

12月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[描写四季的作文]春姑娘晒得都眯缝起眼睛来了。那嫩绿的新叶,那田野的薄雾轻烟,象她的衣衫。随着她春意的步伐,那青青的小草,破土而出,简直要顶着脚站出来啦。 到了夏天天上白云缓缓地飘着,广阔的...+阅读

To seek a good job Your attention please:Just personal advice, if you don't like it, please ignore it. To seek a good job: Overall Ability Firstly, to renew your knowledge structure as soon as possible. The main differences between those educated people and those uneducated people are the WAY of THINKING and the self-educating skill. Meanwhile, the Internet give everybody an unprecedented chance to search all the resource you need. Please NOTICE the language and computer skills are only the 2 basic tools in a successful career although those 2 skills also need to be improved practically. If you just count on them, you have to face the boring work day after day. Of course, I can't give u the details about what kind of knowledge you might need because different people have different interests in their careers and I don't want to mislead you. To me, Management, Economy, Finance, Politics, Military,History,Sports and arts. However, you may have your choices. Secondly, the more important aspect is your OVERALL ABILITY. That means what kind of person will be welcomed by the society. Let me show u the recommendation form of the Top 30 Business School of U.S.. We can learn how the main-stream American assess the potential manager and leader. In comparison with others, how your recommender will appraise you in terms of the following qualities? There are 6 degrees including Top 5% Unusually Outstanding, Excellent, Very Good, Satisfactory,Needs Attention,and Not Observed. 1.Work experience related to management 2.Potential for growth 3.Ability to work with others,(Superiors,peer, and subordinates) 4.Competence in area of responsibility or specialization (technical/organizational skills,attention to detail, ability to complete assignments) 5.Personal initiative, motivation 6.Integrity 7.Analytical ability 8.Facility with English 9.Written communication skills 10.Oral communication skills 11.Potential for success as an effective and inspiring upper-level manager I hope the information can be helpful to you. We will discuss something else later.


关示季节的作文200字家乡的春天 春天是四季中最美的季节,古今中外不知多少人被她的魅力所折服,因为她不仅是美的象征,而且还是生命的使者。 我们家乡的春天每年都会欢蹦乱跳地、按时来到我们的身边...

写景的作文春夏秋冬200字写树我的家乡非常美丽,一年四季都充满生机. 春天,被封冻了一个冬天河流又开始尽情翻腾了,阳光又一次把盘山上的植物给照醒了,小草像往常一样不知不觉的探出了头,大树知到寒冷的冬天过...

求描写春夏秋冬四季的作文各150 200字左右四季的色彩(春夏秋冬) 春 总是有一阵清风,吹醒这个水灵灵的小姑娘。 她给大地换上了一身美丽的绿衣,上面有泥土的香气.草扭动着它们纤细的腰肢,在和叽喳报春的鸟儿呢喃呓语.天空...

描写四季景色带有2句对偶句的200字作文分季描写 春 “一年之季,在于春”这位美丽的而庄广的春姑娘来了,她笑嬉嬉地走过来了,她呼喊一声燕子们便飞了回来,她吹一口暖气,便上人们脱下了厚棉袄,她娇媚的手儿一挥,大地便为她...


求一篇关于求职的英语作文ABC天卞英语是不错.好.的 时间安排由我们自己定,在家上课随时可以跟外教学口语,而且这个学习起来很方便 不用你跑来跑去学习,可以通过一些新颖的学习模式来增加自己对英语学习...

好人帮我写一篇英语求职作文!谢谢Job Hunting Dear Sir or Madame: I have read your advertisement in yesterday's China Daily. I feel I will be fit for the job needed in your company. I'm 20 years...

英语求职范文Dear Sir, I take the liberty to write you in the hope that you might need someone to fill in for you. I feel that I am qualified as an 【 】. I am currently a s...

求一篇求职信的英语作文Dear Sir or Madam, I have learned from an advertisement that your company is in need of a secretary. I would like you to consider me for the position. My name i...
