

06月01日 编辑 39baobao.com

[小动物母亲的爱作文]【关于动物母爱的作文篇一】 这是一个真实的故事。故事发生在西部的青海省, 一个极度缺水的沙漠地区。这里,每人每天的用水量严格地限定为三十斤。这还得靠驻军从很远的地方运...+阅读

walking" and repeated it several times. To each of his utterance I answered with a laughing "Yes." The next day I was walking at tHe same place as I did the day before. Again I met Chen Ran, the two-year-old boy. He was alone and greeted me, by saying "Walking" I said "yes." Laughing to my amusement, I think the boy is really learning to speak quiekly. So whenever I was walking and when he saw me he would my, "walking." One day I met Chen Ran. He was having difficulty getting his mini-bike out of the roadside. He said to me, "Walking, you do it." It was not until this moment he took it for granted that my name was "walking". Amused, I helped him get his bike. And he called me Aunt Walking till he was old enongh to know his mistake

my family英语作文50词要简单一些的带翻译

My family I have a happy family. There are four people in it. They are my father, my mother, my brother and I .My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher. My brother and I are students. At weekends, we often go to the park. My parents love us very much. We love them too. This is my family. A sweet family. 我有一个快乐的家庭。里面有四口人,爸爸,妈妈,哥哥和我。我的爸爸是个医生,妈妈是个老师,哥哥和我都是学生。在周末,通常会去公园。我的父母很爱我们,我们也爱他们。这就是我的家,一个甜蜜的家。...


My mother loves me very much. She cares about me and looks after me everyday. When i am sick, she takes me to the doctor and feeds me medicine. When i am sad , she comforts me and tells me jokes to make me happy. When i am joyful, i share my happiness with her . When i have problems with my homework and i don't know how to do a sum , she wil be patient and teach me . She never complains about how much hard work there is everyday and we love her very much too.

my mother写50字的英语作文

My mother loves me very much.She takes care of me everyday. In the moring, my mother cooks breakfast for me. And she often sends me to school. Then she goes to work from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. After she comes home, she should clean houses and cook for my father.I think she must be very tired every day. As a child, I should help my mother. I should clean the houses and wash my own clothes. I should study hard,so my mother will be happy. I want to say to my mother: "Mom, I love you!" 希望能帮到你~


孝敬母亲作文800字谢谢感谢是一种温暖的情感,象一条缓缓流淌的小溪,轻轻吟唱着,在心与心之间传递着人世间最纯最美的讯息。 我最最感谢的是我的父母。是他们用博大的胸怀与深沉的爱包容了我的一切优...

作文母亲的爱 800字《游子吟》是我们熟知的一首诗,诗中这样写到: 慈母手中线, 游子身上衣。 临行密密缝, 意恐迟迟归。 谁言寸草心, 报得三春晖。 …… 是啊,小小的草儿怎能报答太阳的光辉呢?我们又如...


写小段话表达对母亲的爱100字1、感恩母亲的养育与对子女的谆谆教导。祝福普天下所有的母亲身体安康。幸福快乐。愿普天下所有的子女都能养父母之身孝父母之心! 2、您在我眼中是最美,每一个微笑都让我幸福...

母亲的爱作文100字急用我的妈妈留着一头乌黑发亮的秀发,大大的眼睛炯炯有神,高高的鼻梁上架着一副小眼镜。一张甜蜜的樱桃小嘴,说起话来总是面带微笑。 妈妈的爱像一阵阵清凉的风,让我无法忘怀。记得...

母亲对我的爱散文诗100字母爱 母爱 是血与脉的相通相融 是儿女的福母亲的痛 母爱 犹如春天的风 她轻轻拂过 大地才会一片绿色 母爱 是天上的云 总让烈日 先从她的身驱穿过 给大地呼风换雨降祥和 母...

母亲的爱英语作文 我爱妈妈, 亲爱的妈妈其实是与我不同。 我的爱是小溪, 母亲的爱是大海, 她可以包含我的一切。 我的爱是一座桥, 母亲的爱是一个桥墩, 她能支持我的灵宫。 我的爱是一草, 母亲的爱...

母亲的爱500字作文母亲的爱500字作文,母亲节征文 500字:妈妈的爱,是一把雨伞,遮挡着孩子们前方的风吹雨打。 妈妈的爱.是一艘小船,栽着孩子们驶向美好的未来。妈妈的爱,是一座港湾,给孩子们一个可以...

