

02月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[写一篇三年级争吵的作文]星期六下午,妈妈出门买菜去了,我和姐姐在家做作业。 我把作业本和笔摆好,兴致勃勃地开始做作业,才发现我的钢笔皮管有一个小洞,笔坏了,怎么做作业呀!我向姐姐借了一支笔,我拿着姐姐...+阅读

开心的一天(A happy day)

On March 10, Sunny day on Monday

Tomorrow, I today is Lantern Festival night I guess riddles I mom and dad take me to go to square the first was not award the second got a panda, a third had a monkey. Behind my dad take me to tour the Yellow River! Have Huang Heshi have to donate money my mother gave me a gave my dad a yuan yuan, I visited the Yellow River. I go home after my mother saw the two toys Xiong Zhen good-looking, I also saw how beautiful pretty bright! My father is, today is really a happy day!

土豆自述(Potatoes readme)

Hi, everybody, my name is potatoes.

My shape is round, I always yellow coat, encrusted with a lot of small black spots, took off his coat, just show me golden skin, she can be valuable, she is good nutrition than soybean protein, the most close to the animals, and potassium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, vitamin C, such as much better. In addition to the supermarket of children like to eat potato chips, I can also help people lose weight, prevent stroke.


My parents and I went to the park yesterday morning. I saw lots of beutiful flowers there .At the lunchtime , I saw my classmates xxx(写你们班上的一个小朋友的名字好了~~). He and his parents were having dinner ,too. We played games together .We went home in the evening .

嗯……三年级学过过过去式没有,我忘记了。。。。如果没学过,就把went都改成go,saw改成see,were改成are,played改成play,parents没学过的话就用My father and my mother .



Today, it is a fine day ! I took my schoolbag and went to school happily. On my way to school I saw a poor blind man was going to cross the road ,so I came up him and helped him to cross the road .After that ,he spoak highly of me by saying I was a good girl. To my surprise,my neighbor knew this and told it to my parents,they all prouded of me . How a nice day !!


Monday March 11th today's weather is very good , it sunny all day.in the morning .i get up very early .and i with my mother go to the park to exercise .after that . we go back home . and watch TV until 12 o'clock .then we eat lunch . /after lunch we stay at home all afternoon / i help my mother to clean our house .in the evening .i am very tired . i go to the bed early too . although today i am tired . but i very happy /



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