

05月31日 编辑 39baobao.com

[不一样的夏令营初二作文450字]【导读】:一阵热烈的鼓掌声中,都江堰来的同学乘坐着巴士终于来到了我们学校。此时我除了鼓掌外,心里还想着:这次的夏令营与以往的都不同,虽然都是游玩,但同时一定能学到些什么! 【...+阅读




i am a middle school student,My name is Tom,i am from No1 middle school.i want to jion this activity because i want to improve my English and i also want to learn more about America history.I like doing sports and reading books.My favorite sport is basketball and i can play it well.I can singing and play the violin.I am good at drawing ,too.i think i can get along well with my host family.Perhaps i would like to live in a big family with pets.Because i love animals and chatting with other people.i will be glad if i can live in a family like this.........

my frist trip to hainan

It was two years ago during my summer vacation that I went to Hainan with my parents. It was my first trip to Hainan and It was also my first time to take a plane. Although I often hear about it and read articles about it. When I arrived there, I felt surprised about the beautiful scenery of Hainan. We went scuba diving and fishing.We also visited the beautiful flower market and Hairui Tomb, Wanqian River. The people there were friendly to us and the food there was delicious. I would like to go there once more if I have a chance.


1.说明你学习生活的英语作文 Hey Tom: i m now studing in english Cambridge college. We have less lessons compare to high school life, but the pressure didnt decrease, because lessons are much harder than before, and there are only 4 years for my to enter the community, which means i will have bigger responsibilities. Teachers and classmates are very friendly to me, that made me feel better from homesickness. and i found that Cambridge is a warm community. I have volunteered to the community and will spend 2 hours every week volunteering. It is really fun, because i can develop myself! by the way, i would like to invite you to spend the X-mas with me, we can hang out and play for the whole holiday, enjoying the snow view. Hope you can reply soon~! yours Li Hua 2. 为中国留学生提供住宿家庭 Dear Mr. Smith, Hope this finds you well. I am writing to inform my request for lodging in Britain. First of all, the house or flat should be big enough and comfortable for living. It would be better if it is located in downtown area, which will be convenient for my transport. The family will have to speak standard English and be friendly. What's more, it will be nice if there is family party organized regularly. In addition, free laundry service and cooking availability is appciated. Please let me know your response as soon as possible. Thank you very much. Sincerely yours, Li Hua


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