

12月21日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语关于礼貌的作文140]Good manners,or acting appropriate is a way socially accepted and respected,It is a show of respect,care,and consideration for others. Excellent manners can hel...+阅读

On one occasion, Sima Guang with smaller partners in the back yard to play. The yard has a large water tanks, have a child climb along the upper tank to play, accidentally, fell into the tank factory. Large cylinder depth, saw the child had drowned soon. I see other children into trouble scared weeping, shouting, went outside for help for adults. Sima Guang from the ground to pick up a big rock, hard to hit a water tank to go, "Bang!" Broke a water tank, water out of flooded kids in the water saved. 有一次,司马光跟小伙伴们在后院里玩耍。院子里有一口大水缸,有个小孩爬到缸沿上玩,一不小心,掉到缸厂里。缸大水深,眼看那孩子快要没顶了。别的孩子们一见出了事,吓得边哭边喊,跑到外面向大人求救。司马光却从地上捡起一块大石头,使劲向水缸砸去,"砰!"水缸破了,水流了出来,被淹在水里的小孩也得救了。


那个用英语写一篇关于礼仪的文章速度要快哈!非常急!Modern etiquette. The ritual "ceremony" refers to the respect, that is, in interpersonal relations should not only respect themselves and respect other people. Gu...

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英语写作文司马光砸缸汉语: 有一次,他跟小伙伴们在后院里玩耍。院子里有一口大水缸,有个小孩爬到缸沿上玩,一不小心,掉到缸里。缸大水深,眼看那孩子快要没顶了。别的孩子们一见出了事,吓得边哭边喊,跑到...

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司马光砸缸的英语短文A Bright Boy This happened in a garden long ago. There were many water vats in the garden. A group of boys were playing there. They played happily. Suddenly a b...
