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[英语四级作文的范文有吗]范文来自《2010年6月英语四级作文考前预测范文》预测作文(五) HowtoEliminateCheatingonCampus1.当前校园中存在许多作弊现象 2.解决这一问题的办法是……【范文】 Nowadays.i...+阅读

Modern etiquette. The ritual "ceremony" refers to the respect, that is, in interpersonal relations should not only respect themselves and respect other people. Guren Jiang, "King rites were also" actually is a basic requirement for Dairenjiewu. The ritual "instrument" as its name implies, the instrument who is also the ceremony, that is, respect for other people's expressions. Furthermore, etiquette exchanges between the arts is a matter of fact, that is, Dairenjiewu way. Interpersonal exchanges occasions arts The use of a non-call on the high-low In business dealings, with particular attention to the use of the name is not on the high-low. If a person will be introduced by a professor, said: "This is the University of ... ... ... ... teacher." Therefore, introducing the use of other people respected that title, which is "not on the high-low." 2 do as the Romans do When you go to visit other companies, the owner can not say bad things, not the so-called off the main responsibility, which is common sense. 3 position put In interpersonal relationships, it is necessary to put themselves and others. The reason why a lot of people in interpersonal problems, the key point is to not put themselves in a correct position, that is, in interpersonal exchanges to lower levels as the lower and higher levels as superior to, to my colleagues as colleagues, customers like customers. Location can put correct attitude at all, this is the time between the basic proposition. 4 to each other as the center Business contacts in the process, be sure to remember the other side to the center, to give up on the self-centered. Business contacts to emphasize customer is God, customers feel good is good. Respect for other people to respect themselves, the right to manifest themselves, will be able to properly handle the relationships. Communication between the communication skills 现代礼仪. 礼仪的“礼”字指的是尊重,即在人际交往中既要尊重自己,也要尊重别人。古人讲“礼仪者敬人也”,实际上是一种待人接物的基本要求。礼仪的“仪”字顾名思义,仪者仪式也,即尊重自己、尊重别人的表现形式。 进而言之,礼仪其实就是交往艺术,就是待人接物之道。 人际场合中的交往艺术 1 使用称呼就高不就低 在商务交往中,尤其应注意使用称呼就高不就低。如某人在介绍一位教授时会说:“这是……大学的……老师”。所以在介绍他人时应用受人尊敬的衔称,这就是“就高不就低”。 2 入乡随俗 当你到其他公司拜访时,不能说主人的东西不好,所谓客不责主,这是常识 。 3 摆正位置 在人际交往中,要摆正自己和别人的位置。很多人之所以在人际交往中出现问题,关键一点就是没有摆正自己的位置,也就是说,在人际交往中下级要像下级,上级要像上级,同事要像同事,客户要像客户。摆正位置才有端正态度可言,这是交往时的基本命题。 4 以对方为中心 在商务交往过程中,务必要记住以对方为中心,放弃自我中心论。 商务交往强调客户是上帝,客户感觉好才是真好。尊重自己尊重别人,恰到好处地表现出来,就能妥善地处理好人际关系。 交际交往中的沟通技巧


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