

05月13日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求一篇关于梦想的300词英语作文急急急]my ideal job My ideal work has many, for instance doctor, police, boss, entrepreneur, scientist .......But I most like working as boss. When boss has many advan...+阅读

Dreams are a communication of body, mind and spirit in a symbolic communicative environmental state of being. That's it! Now that you are thoroughly confused let me explain in a more down to earth language. Our brains are in constant activity. Different states of consciousness (like awake, asleep, alert, drowsy, excited, bored, concentrating or daydreaming) cause different brain wave activity. Our conscious mind, or the part we think with, our "window" into life, only takes up a very small portion of our brain activity. (some say this is only 10%) Other areas control things like breathing, heartbeat, converting light to vision, sound to hearing, balance when we walk, etc. etc. This too has it's own percentage (small). Another area controls imagination. This area is widely an undiscovered frontier. Imagination is more then dreaming of a new car or picturing someone with their cloths off! When you look at clouds and see shapes, or wood grain and see images, this is the "order from chaos" part of your imagination. The mind cannot deal with chaos very well, in fact it will resist it and sometimes manufacture order. (very important to the dreaming process.)This too occupies a small percentage of brian activity. Then there is memory. Memory is vast! And I believe it occupies more of the brains resources then most people believe.


Go fishing On Sunday morning, the sun is shining, the air is so fresh, I gently took a deep breath, feel very happy in my heart. Today I am very happy, because my grandfather to take me to go fishing.Eat breakfast, I come with grandpa excitedly to just wake up from a deep sleep in the river, grandpa is busy line, wear the earthworm, I can't wait to take a long thin rod, hook on earthworms, think long, hook the big fish, the line in the water the more distant and then sit quietly fish bait, etc. Waiting for half an hour, no movement, I'm a little can't wait, successively in several places, there is still no movement, I angrily exclaimed: "there is no fish?" Grandpa patiently to advise a way: "be patient, we will be able to catch the fish." Say, see grandpa a lever, a modest crucian carp bait.Looking at grandpa caught a fish, I also waited patiently, is really "everything comes to him who waits", a buoy move on, at this moment my heart pounding, I clenched my fishing pole motionless, fearing to disturb the fish, when suddenly I saw the float sinks, I load yank. "Ah," I can't help a surprised, a little carp bait, "catch, catch!" I shout, this is the first time I catch a fish, in the mind have say a joy.After caught a fish, I am confident, and sit fishing, but a few times to see float in a jitter, pull up but nothing, I asked my grandfather what was going on, grandpa said: "children, you don't know, here is a trick, the first fish in the test, then you can't, you this, can I put it away." Listen to my grandfather, I unconsciously sigh a way: "ah! So sly fish! Wait, I will catch a big one." And I still hold rod, before long, float to shake the two, I endure the endure, not to pull, then the sun irritable, I sweat drip drip down, hands and feet are numb, but I still motionless, with endurance and stamina, with doing a endurance game fish.Finally see float up with a jerk, I quickly pull, more than a half jins of crucian carp dragged up by me, I excitedly replied to the fish: "I have endurance than you!" In the end, I and grandpa are confounded.去钓鱼 星期天的早晨,阳光明媚,空气如此新鲜,我轻轻地吸了一口气,心中感到无比舒畅。

今天我特别高兴,因为外公要带我去钓鱼。 吃过早餐,我兴冲冲地跟外公一起来到刚从沉睡中醒来的小河边,外公忙着弄线,穿蚯蚓,我迫不及待地拿了支又细又长的鱼杆,钩上蚯蚓,想放长线,钩大鱼,把鱼线投入较远的水中,便静静坐着等鱼上钩。 等了半个钟头,没有一点动静,我有点等不及了,先后换了几个地方,还是没有动静,我气呼呼地嚷道:“这里是不是没有鱼?”外公耐心地去劝道:“耐心点,就一定能钓上鱼。”说着,只见外公一提杆,一条不大不小的鲫鱼便上钩了。 看着外公钓了一条鱼,我也耐心地等着,真是“功夫不负有心人”,一会儿浮标动了,这时我的心怦怦直跳,我握紧鱼杆一动不动,生怕会惊动鱼儿,当我看见浮子猛地往下一沉,我眼疾手快猛地一拉。

“啊”,我不禁一惊,一条小鲫鱼上钩了,“钓着了,钓着了!”我欢叫着,这是我头一次钓着鱼,心里有说不出的喜悦。 钓了一条鱼后,我信心倍增,又耐着性子钓,可是几次看见浮子在抖动,拉起来却一无所得,我问外公这是怎么回事,外公说:“孩子,你不懂,这里是有窍门,那鱼儿先是在试探,这时你可不能拉,你这一拉,可就把它吓跑了。”听了外公的话,我不觉叹道:“呀!好狡猾的鱼啊!等着瞧,我一定会钓一条大的。”我又一动不动的握紧鱼杆,过了不久,浮子抖动了两下,我忍了忍,没有拉,这时太阳火辣辣的,我的汗水一滴一滴的往下淌,手脚都麻木了,可我还是一动不动,凭着耐力和毅力,同鱼儿做着一场耐力赛。 终于看见浮子猛地一抬,我急忙一拉,一条半斤多的鲫鱼被我拖了上来,我兴奋地对鱼说:“还是我比你有耐力吧!”最后,我和外公都满载而归。


Sometimes I dream about life in the future. What will it be like? Perhaps some people will go to the moon for a holiday, and some scientists will live under the sea. Maybe we will have videophones in every home. We can have a medical examination or do some shopping without leaving our homes. And I'm sure there'll be more educational programs on the radio or TV, so perhaps some children won't need to go to school every day. They'll study at home. No people like doing housework. Maybe in the future each family will have a robot. Every day we can tell the robot what to do – shopping, housework and so on. I believe the dream will come true some day....


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