

05月05日 编辑 39baobao.com

[我的好朋友作文英语作文应该怎么写]My Best Friend I have many friends, but Jim is one of my best friends. He is not handsome, but kind-hearted. We know each other at primary school. He was the ta...+阅读

In my opinion,having meals at home is a wonderful thing,because there are many advantages.First,the meals which we eat is inexpensive,compared with the outsides.Second,the food is not only fresh but also of many different kinds.That is to say,we can enjoy a lot of delicious food as we want.Third,having meals at home offers you more time to communicate with your family...


前几天,我请范仲淹到家门口吃凉皮儿,这孩子别提有多高兴了,最后小范儿答应我不再写《岳阳楼记》了。哎,一碗凉皮儿就打发了,真没出息。 陶渊明更好办,我请他喝了一桶掺了点二锅头的纯净水,这家伙并不像传说中的海量,喝凉水都能醉。当然,代价是他不写《五柳先生传》。 欧阳修酒量很不成点,白开水喝多了都能醉。我只得把他领到屋后水沟旁的草棚边,告诉他,这才是货真价实的醉翁亭,你去的那个是冒牌儿的,欧老先生听后吓地掉进了水沟里……我把他拉上来后发现其精神一直恍惚,所以也就写不成《醉翁亭记》了。 我曾答应柳宗元请他吃猪血,但领他去之前,我警告他说,你可不能像小范一样,见了凉皮儿根丢了魂似儿的,最后吃得老板娘躲在厕所里哭,连钱都不敢收了。



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知心朋友英语作文怎么写When I was a child, I had a lot of friends, but I didn't have a good friend. Some friends help each other in their study. Some friends cooperate with each other...

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写朋友梦想的英语作文My Good Friend My good friend is Mei. She's a girl. She is my classmate. Mei is tall and thin. She has two big eyes and long hair. She likes listening to music...

英语介绍朋友的作文怎么写My best friend is a boy who named Lilei, he is very clever, he is a little taller than me, and he's a little fat, but he's a pretty boy. He has many hobbies, li...

搬家请朋友帮忙英语作文你好,以下是我写的关于搬家的!希望你喜欢! Today is the day I move, I am very excited, the weather good in this cold winter, rarely have such good weather, over the n...
