

12月21日 编辑 39baobao.com

[四年级上册同步作文致朋友的一封信]我的好朋友梦婷: 你好! 久未通信,最近你好吗?每当假日我做完作业后经常想起那难忘的时光。我们曾在春蕾学前班是最好的朋友。充满童趣的美好岁月,随着我们走进了各自的学校而成为...+阅读

When you hear the word encouragement, what do you think? Do you think of motivation, pep talk, or role models? Have you've ever asked yourself what yourself what this word even means? To me I've thought of it many, multiple times. When I hear this word I think of taking myself away from the world. You motivate yourself to do whatever your heart has always told you. Encouragement is the key to your happiness, the voice you hear when you think of all your dreams, dream of your dreams and follow them. When you have a dream, do you just think of it? Do you want it to happen? Do you ever stop to think about what you can do to achieve your goals in life or your true dreams? When you think of these things, you're motivating yourself. You may think of encouragement when someone else is there besides you holding your hand telling you to move forward. No one can always be by your side guiding through this obstacle called life. You have to believe in yourself, congratulating yourself when you do something good. You encourage yourself to live on, which is why I am writing this paper. I'm telling you, you don't need a friend when in doubt. There will always be those doubt thoughts you can't get out of your head. When you've think everything has gone wrong and you've gone completely hopeless and all you can do is think, 'is this worth it, should I just leave my life?' Don't think that. Encouragement is you to find yourself and hear your voice. You can always pick yourself back up. You can never say you have nothing left, because you do, your motivation. No one ever took away your happiness, your thoughts, your dreams, and your feelings. Their still there, so you have something left. I want to tell you that you have me here. You have me to listen too. You have me to hear your voice. Don't ever think you have nothing left, because you do. It's you. You have that ability to look up in the stars and ask yourself what you're going to do today. You might say sit... ------------------------------------------ READY "When he arrived and saw the grace of God, he was glad, and he encouraged all of them to remain true to the Lord with a firm resolve of the heart—for he was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith—and large numbers of people were added to the Lord." — Acts 11:23–24 SET Anyone who has been either a player or a coach knows the value of encouragement, yet all too often we are quick to point out the mistakes and failures of others rather than their successes and the things they do well. Barnabas, whose name means “Son of Encouragement,” was a person who grasped the enormous value of blessing others with words. He came alongside believers in the midst of trials and troubles of all kinds, and he encouraged them to press on and to be all that God had called them to be. The value of lifting up the hearts of men and women is immeasurable. Encouragement strengthens character, increases confidence in God, develops loyalty, deepens faith, and stimulates joy. We coaches have a choice each day about whether our style will be marked by encouragement or discouragement. May we earn the same reputation as that of Barnabas. GO 1. Is your coaching style one of unrelenting correction that discourages your players? 2. Do you encourage your players in the good qualities they have? 3. Are you known as a godly person, full of the Holy Spirit and faith? WORKOUT Extra Reading: Acts 4:36–37 OVERTIME Heavenly Father, I see the value of encouragement. Please renew me by Your Spirit, the divine encourager, so that through Jesus Christ I may be a “Barnabas” to others for Your glory. Amen.


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