

12月21日 编辑 39baobao.com

[承诺记叙文作文]承诺记叙文作文一:十年的承诺 静坐在一个陌生的班级里,周围坐着更是陌生的人,听见沙沙的笔声 在班级里,学生们都没那么活跃了,老师也没像平常上课那般的激情,冷冷淡淡的,仿佛都想快...+阅读

Encourage each other

By: 宝儿

It seems that all of us need encouragemment ererywhere and every moment. That is to say that we not only need being encouraged, but also need incentiving others.

When we are in difficulties, we may lose confidence to do everything. A friend or some others may give you some advices or comfort you. What's more, he may encourage you with the words like that "I believe you, you are clever and smart. I am sure that you can succeed in the end." For example, when I was preparing for the entrance examination of postgraduate, many friends often encouraged me which gave me a lot confidence to pass the exam. Therefore, my dream has come true.

The praise can also give us lots of encouragement. For instance, when I was a student in the middle school, my English teacher often asked me to act the dialogues and praised me with the words "very good" which made me interested in learning English.

In a word, all of us need the words of encouragement just like we need the help of others. So give your praise words to everyone when they need it, such as when he/she wears new clothes, when they are in difficulties, when they finish the work on time and so on. Your words may give him a lot help which may change his life.

let's get a good habit of encourage others. One of my friends is ill now, I hope that all the people can encourage him and help him, so he can be healthy as soon as possible


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