

04月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[我的国庆节国庆节英语日记]Today is National Day.We he no classes. In the morning, I went to the People's Park with my mother.We had a good time. In the afternoon, I helped my parents to...+阅读

My dream I talked about my dream to my parents,last night. But they didn't think it would come ture. “Your dream is too big ,and it doesn't suit you.”My dad said to me. He told me that I should changed this dream. I was very sad after hearing what he have said . I only wish to do my best on this. whatever the result is,it is not important. It's my dream that i become a very rich man, throughout hard work in china ,even places other than China. It sounds so nice ,but it's very hard to let it come true. I hope one day in the future I can fly free like the birds in the sky. Don't be sad! Or unhappy!


Sunday Dec 25th Sunny

Today, our class went to Mount Daqing and had a really good time. we gathered at 8 at school gate. Then, we went there by bus. After half an hour, we arrived and started climbing up the mountain. At 10, we arrived at the top and had lunch there. After lunch, we just did what we wanted to do and at half past five, we took the bus to go back to the school.


' my brother and my best friend Shuo for me hold a birthday party. '改为 my brother and my best friend Shuo old a birthday party for me .就更好了. 'I'm exciting'这个是个错的哦,你是人,形容词不能用ing形式,要用ed形式,改为'im excited''There hardly ever snowing'这样说好像不对,你是用there be 句型,有there 就要有be ,所以改为'there isnt snow at all''My mom said me quickly.'你应该是想说我妈妈叫我快点。应该改为'my mom ask me to go quick' 'I are going to the Fish'go fishing 是固定搭配,所以把fish改为fishing.' good ;lace'好像打错了应该是good place. 如果有不懂可以追问,希望你能满意


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