

04月13日 编辑 39baobao.com

[托福写作三选一题目怎么写]关于托福写作“三选一”题目怎么写,方法如下: 三选一题目有类似的地方,就是考生选择出最支持的一方之后也要2113对余下两个进行比较,这样的行文是比较严谨的,论证也更能说5261服...+阅读

topic:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Advertising is the most important cause of unhealthy eating habits.my essay:Nowadays many people have developed unhealthy eating habits. The reasons are various, including advertising. But advertising is definitely not the most important one.Indeed, some food advertisements exaggerate the nutrition of the food, or invent some superstars to be advertising spokesperson which attract the stars' fans to buy the food. I've seen an advertisement of mineral water on TV, which says their water is from a nature lake free of pollution, with some healthy mineral salt. After this TV advertisement is broadcast, since the advertising spokesman is a popular singer, a lot of young people who like the singer have bought the water of this brand. However, the quality control bureau made their research on the water open, which said that the natural lake actually contains much contamination. Customers said that they have been cheated by the advertisement. Considerable the effect of the advertisement is, it cannot compete with the influence of people's life style when pressure and price are taken in to account.I believe, the living tempo is in fact the principal reason of unhealthy eating habits, which is increasingly fast so that people have to shorten their time cooking, choosing what to eat and eating, in order to spend the saved time on working or studying. Thus fast food becomes popular since it saves time. People do not care fast food is junk food; they care whether they could finish their tasks on time and if they could accomplish their work better than others. It is common that one forgets his lunch time and keeps working until midnight. Irregular eating time and junk food make the eating habit of modern people extremely unhealthy. Even some people have no time watching TV or newspapers, so they don't know about advertisements. How do those advertisements have any effect on them? Only when people are aware of that they are earning money in exchange of their health and stop this terrible process will theyFinally, the price of healthy food is usually high, so people may choose unhealthy food just because of the price. Once in supermarket I saw that eggs are much more expensive that are laid by chicken which are not injected with hormone than those laid by chicken with hormone injections. Although we know that the expensive eggs are healthier, we still chose the cheaper eggs since the price is too high to purchase. Capable of affording healthy food are those people who own lots of money. If food manufactures produce food with more attention to people's wholesomeness, there would be more healthy food that can be purchased by common people.All in all, there are lots of reasons that led people develop unhealthy habit, of course, including advertisement. From my perspective, the most important one is that we have less time on preparing eating and think little about it. 谈自己的看法,不一定要绝对同意,或者绝对不同意。



1. 全球化影响There is a disagreement on the impact of increased business and culture contact between countries on a country's identity. What is your opinion?每个人的情况不同,也可以登录文都国际教育官网进行一对一的咨询。2. 政府投资People should keep all the money they earn and should not pay taxes to the state. Do you agree or disagree?3. 科技影响Many employees may work at home with modern technology. Some people claim that it benefits only workers, but not employers. To what extent do you agree or disagree?4. 文化类i. It is more important for a building to serve its purposes than to look beautiful. Architects do not need to worry about whether it is a real work of art. Do you agree or disagree?ii. The international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. To what extent do you think its advantages far outweigh its disadvantages?5. 生活工作Some people think that changing jobs periodically is good. What is your opinion?6. 传媒类Some people suggest that there should be restrictions on a detailed description of crimes in the newspapers and on television. To what extent do you agree or disagree?7. 广告类There are many advertisements directed at children. Parents argue that children are misled, while advertisers consider advertising a source of useful information. What is your opinion?8. 环境类It is said that the best way to solve the world's environmental problems is to increase the price of fuel. To what extent do you agree or disagree?9. 动物类Far too little has been done to prevent animals and plants from dying out, although people have noticed this problem for a long time. Why have people failed to improve this situation? What are your suggestions?10. 教育类i. Some people believe that educating children altogether will benefit them. Others think intelligent children should be taught separately and given special courses. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.ii. Today, more school leavers are unable to find jobs. Discuss the causes of rising unemployment among young adults and suggest any solutions.


首先,LZ的担心是多余的。 像托福作文这种美国人出的写作题目,一般都是有意识的测试考生的思辨能力,要求我们能以缜密的逻辑、恰当的事例、合理的编排,在有限的时间里有理有据的完成一篇结构完整、语言恰当的论说文。 换言之,托福作文一般都没有“正确”和“错误”的命题,只有同一命题的不同侧面,代表着不同的观察角度。只要你支持某个观点,觉得自己比较容易从这个角度找到例证,比较方便写出层次,就完全可以大胆支持这个观点,不必像对付中国考试一样,顾虑出题老师到底希望我们倾向于哪边。这是西方文化重思辨能力,提倡逻辑思维的教育理念的体现。 回到你问题中的两个题目: 1。生活常识告诉我们,有的人比较理性消费,将购物和自我的现实需求联系起来,例如生活需求、教育需求、事业需求、投资需求等等;而同样也存在很多非理性消费的“跟风”者。


2。第二个问题更加抽象,类似于古老的“知足常乐”还是“不知足常乐”的话题,显然是没有绝对的对错的。这种问题,我建议您首先更要自己,从哪边入手可以找到更多的论据资料来支撑自己的观点,哪边更容易将主论点拆分成分论点,让作文更有层次感。例如,如果支持“知足常乐”,那么是不是需要说明一下能让人“常乐”的有哪些“满足感”?如何获得这些“满足感”?如何把暂时的快乐转化为长久的快乐?反之,如果支持“不知足常乐”,那么你就要把题目中的“want something more or different”讲清楚,哪些是合理的人生追求,哪些又是会令人误入歧途的贪婪欲望,怎样才能获得真正的满足?……等等。当然,思路肯定也不仅止于此。 最后谢谢你看完我这么多唠叨,供你参考。

我08年10月考的托福ibt 总分103分 作文25分。


1. 全球化影响 There is a disagreement on the impact of increased business and culture contact between countries on a country's identity. What is your opinion? 2. 政府投资 People should keep all the money they earn and should not pay taxes to the state. Do you agree or disagree? 3. 科技影响 Many employees may work at home with modern technology. Some people claim that it benefits only workers, but not employers. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 4. 文化类 i. It is more important for a building to serve its purposes than to look beautiful. Architects do not need to worry about whether it is a real work of art. Do you agree or disagree? ii. The international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. To what extent do you think its advantages far outweigh its disadvantages? 5. 生活工作 Some people think that changing jobs periodically is good. What is your opinion? 6. 传媒类 Some people suggest that there should be restrictions on a detailed description of crimes in the newspapers and on television. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 7. 广告类 There are many advertisements directed at children. Parents argue that children are misled, while advertisers consider advertising a source of useful information. What is your opinion? 8. 环境类 It is said that the best way to solve the world's environmental problems is to increase the price of fuel. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 9. 动物类 Far too little has been done to prevent animals and plants from dying out, although people have noticed this problem for a long time. Why have people failed to improve this situation? What are your suggestions? 10. 教育类 i. Some people believe that educating children altogether will benefit them. Others think intelligent children should be taught separately and given special courses. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. ii. Today, more school leavers are unable to find jobs. Discuss the causes of rising unemployment among young adults and suggest any solutions.



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