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[提建议的英语作文急急急]Directions: Your local library intends to improve its service and facilities. As a regular library use, please write a letter to the chief librarian, offe ring...+阅读

Forest Adventure is full of mystery and exciting, but also has its dangers, in order to experience the adventure tourism, we need good preparations.They do not understand their own physical condition, the status of the destination miscalculation, sudden changes in the weather and the lack of expertise and so is the main cause of the tragedy. Here is should be noted that six major considerations.1. The body is healthy and strongSince forest adventure tourism and general sightseeing tour of the city is different, the travel process for a number of high strength and high density outdoor activities. It must be on their physical condition to have a good control. First and most important is to have a healthy body. Second, a long time to get used to the motion. Finally, careful selection of the following categories best travel crowd: high blood pressure, heart disease and other chronic diseases of the crowd; the crowd very serious altitude sickness; 18 years of age, people over 50 years old.2. With foot commonly used drugs, acquire the relevant knowledgeDue to the special nature and outdoor tourism risk, so a certain amount of outdoor survival knowledge is very important. For example, how to properly handle tick insect bites wounds; how to alleviate altitude sickness; how to identify the direction of the field; in the case can not bring their own water, how to find clean water; how to choose a camp to more security.3. Note the weather, understand the situation destinationIn addition to the travel process has some universal outdoor knowledge and understanding of the travel destination is also very crucial point. The best destination to prepare the relevant knowledge in advance of the departure, check the weather condition tourist destination. Adventure familiar ground topography, select the appropriate hiking trails, avoid dangerous sections. Generally, the day the best travel time is an early start, the evening return. Because the probability of an increase in distress at night, once trapped, rescue difficult as well.4. ready ahead of outdoor equipmentAnd general travel different, outdoor travel clothing and equipment is a very deep knowledge. In general outdoor clothing needs water, sunscreen, wind. And in addition to everyday jackets, pants, outdoor apparel also need to prepare goggles, water bag, snow jacket, sunscreen collars and other professional accessories. Different destinations with different needs tents, sleeping bags, backpacks and the like. For example, at lower temperatures at high altitudes to the mountain, if not select the appropriate waterproof footwear is likely to cause foot frostbite, thus affecting the entire trip.5. The outdoor leader qualification relates tourism safetyCurrently, convened outdoor enthusiasts through the network to participate in camping, hiking, adventure activities such as more and more people, then make the trip by the AA way. Many "donkey" are from "ALICE" spontaneous organization, arbitrary large, professional level is low. Some outdoor activities leader is just the organizers, the real holders of "outdoor leader card", not many people. This is a very dangerous sport, there must be standardized management. Select teammates, to consider whether the other party has the spirit of hiking experience and teamwork and so on. At the same time, it proposed the more sparsely populated in some dangerous sections to hire a local guide, to ensure travel safety.6. Security Code: prepared, do not try to be braveTo cultivate the spirit of teamwork and hard-working, mountaineering, rock climbing, wilderness survival training this kind of outdoor sports has incomparable superiority of other activities, but only have to treat with a scientific attitude, to do what, must not blind Thrill seekers or try to be brave. There should be no more mental comparisons outdoor sports, should consider their own actual situation to choose a destination. During the expedition, if there is a sudden condition, but also within our capabilities, and feel there is danger, timely retreat.


暑假开始了,我们的老师布置了一项特殊的作业——让我们拍一套自然动物的照片,一定要真实。所以,我和几个好朋友(余捷、朱洁仪)就约好在天气晴朗的几天中一起到原生态森林里拍照,争取拍一组在全班数一数二的照相集! 7月10日,我们通过天气预报知道了这一整个礼拜天气都十分的晴朗,并且也有一些微风,是一个十分有助于进入森林的时间。于是我们准备好东西,便出发了。 第一天是晴朗的一天,温度也适中,我们拍到了许多鸟类,还录了MV,记录下了鸟儿动听的歌声。到了晚上,我们把准备好的大帐篷支了起来,这可没少花我们的功夫,我平时从来没有支过帐篷,就这样一点一点的靠着说明书支起了一个勉强能待进去的的帐篷,这一夜我们睡得很香,因为大家都累了! 第二天的行程可以说是惊心动魄,我们在毫无戒备的情况下看到一只正在打鼾的老虎,它挡住了我们的去路,可是我们又不敢接近它,后面的路又十分的曲折,可以说我们现在是进退两难。

一个中午过去了,余捷做了一个大胆的决定,扔一大块石头到老虎的旁边,让老虎以为旁边有食物,用调虎离山记溜过去,我们也实在没有办法,就只好试试看 . 我们刚把石头搬起,老虎就醒来了!这可把我们吓坏了,拔腿就跑, 跑着跑着实在跑不动了,就把身上的一些重量食品丢下接着跑,终于老虎也跑累了,丢下了我们睡觉去了,可是我们却到了一个陌生的村子,我们告诉那里的村民我们的来意,他们招待了我们一个晚上,又给了我们两匹马,我们赶快学会骑马之后,带着指南针,一点点的跑回了森林的边缘,眼看就要到头了,可是马没有了力气,我们也不知道如何喂马喝水,就只好直接灌到马的嘴巴里,很明显,马不喜欢这样的河水方法,便狠命地甩了甩头,后来我们直接用水往马的身上浇,给自己留了足够的水之后全部给了马儿。

终于我们逃出了森林,把马交给了驯马场,分手前跟马拍了几张合影。 回到家后,大伙儿都把自己拍出的照片洗了出来,还配上了文字解释,把大家惊心动魄的故事都记了上去,这一次的森林探险让我们都明白了平常要积累好一定的保护自己的知识,到了关键时刻,才不会手忙脚乱!





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