

03月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[关于劳动的作文200字急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急]人的一生中在不断地学习做各种事情,我也毫不例外。而在这么多事情里,给我印象最深的是我学会了洗碗。 在我上三年级的时候,许多跟我同龄的小朋友都能做一些基本的家务,可我除了...+阅读

Two thirds of the students have declining vision because of watching too much TV and playing too much computer games, which strains the eyes. A quarter of the students read books while lying down, or read books while walking, which is also not healthy for one's eyesight. A few of the students study under too intense light, or too dim light, which affects the vision as well. To protect our vision, it is essential that we develop healthy habits of studying, for example, we can relax and look at distant objects for minutes after studying for an hour or two.


There are many students like play computer games, and often spend the whole day. The eyesight is going down, and they would not like to join commonweal activities, even diliking to make new friends . These students should arrange their time reasonably, and play it properly. Their parents should supervise and urge their children to work hard and caution against them never fall into the games.

英语作文根据下面建议 80词1作业多压力大视力下降2和同学人际关

3. You want to send a present to your parents, but you dong't have enough money.Never mind. Parents need your true love not real things. You can help your parents do some housework , and let your parents have a rest . Or you can make a card for them.That's enough.But I think the best gift is to be a good daughter/son. You parents want to see your good result and healthy body.


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