

04月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[我家的客厅的摆放作文]在我家我最喜欢的房间便是客厅了。 地柜的颜色是深咖啡色的,地柜上放了一台29英寸的全屏彩色电视机,电视机放在左边靠墙的位置,按下开关按钮,一幅幅栩栩如生的画面就向我们准时(...+阅读

Ensure that your house is free of insects.Like many animals,lizards go where there is food and they love to eat insects.Use an adhesive flypaper to catch flies and other insects in the home.Also,make use of bug spray and citronella candles to limit the food sources.This will make your home seem much less appealing.2Purchase a “house lizard” repellant.Lizard repellents typically come in a powder- or liquid-based form.Use the repellant to trace around the perimeter of your home.This will help prevent lizards from entering your rooms.3Get a cat as a companion.Cats are great at catching mice and other house pests such as lizards.Allow the cat to roam around your house and garage and it will surely rid you of any pesky lizards.4Search the perimeter of your home for any cracks and holes.Lizards don't usually just walk in through the front door.They enter through small openings.Once you find these holes and cracks,fill them immediately to prevent further lizard encroachment.


The Living Room of My House

There is a comfortable living room in my home. It is about twenty square meters, not very large. It is very clean and beautiful, my mother cleaned it every day. There is a landscape of Guilin on the wall, my mother like it very much. There is a light yellow sofa below the landscape, I often sit there watching TV. I love the living room and my home.


每个人都有一个属于自己的天地,我的小天地就是我的房间,那是一个充满文墨气息的世界。 它坐北朝南,大约有15平方米。雪白的墙壁再配上绿色的墙围,既干净又淡雅。一进门,右边放着一个架子,架子上放着尺把高的宣纸,是供我练习书法用的。它的旁边放着一张单人床,浅绿色的枕套、整齐的被子,一看就知道这房间的主人一定是个爱干净的女孩。 床边放着一张写字台,是从我懂事入幼儿园起,爸爸特意为我买的。深红色的写字台上,整整齐齐地码着我平时最爱看的课外书。一台样式新颖的小台灯,摆放在写字台的右角上,给我的学习生活带来了方便。台灯的左边放着我写大字的用品:爸爸从安徽出差买来的砚台,过生日时妈妈送我的笔架及姐姐从苏州观前街买的一支毛笔。

写字台的上方墙上挂着柳体字帖,字体清秀刚劲,使人赞不绝口。碑帖的左方是我的学习计划表,它告诉我双休日放学回家后,应该怎样抓紧时间,惜时如金地学习而切莫虚度年华,“一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴”,我们应该珍惜时光,珍惜一切。写字台的一头靠着窗户,阳光透过明亮的窗户照进屋里,使我的房间更显得格外恬静、舒适。 我爱我的房间,它是我生活的好场所,学习的好环境。





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