

03月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[公主日记1英文对白]I am really no good at speechmaking. Normally I get so nervous that I faint or run away or sometimes I even get sick. But you really didn't need to know that. B...+阅读

Mia: me? A princess? Shut up! Queen: I beg your pardon, shut up? Nevertheless you are the princess. And I am the queen Clarisse Renaldi. Mia: why on earth would you pick me to be your princess? Queen: Since your father died, you are the natural heir to the throne of Geneva. That's our law. I'm royal by marriage. You are royal by blood. You can rule. Mia: Rule? Oh, no! oh, no. no, no no. now you have really got the wrong girl. I never lead anybody, not at brownies, not at camp fire girls. Queen Clarisse my expectation in life is to be invisible and I'm good at it. Queen: Amelia I have other expectations also. In my wildest dreams, I never expected this to happen. But you are the legal heir, the only heir to the Genovian throne and we'll accept the challenge of helping you become the princess that you are. Oh, I can give you books. You'll study languages, history, art, political science. I can teach you to walk, talk, sit, stand, eat, dress like a princess. And given time, I think you'll find the palace in Genovia a very pleasant place to live. Mia: live in Genovia? Queen: it's a wonderful country! Amelia, really! Mia: whoa, whoa, just. Rewind and Freeze. I'm no princess. I'm still waiting for normal body parts to arrive. I refused to move to and rule a country. And do you want another reason? I don't want to be a princess. 精彩对白讲解: 1. (Nevertheless you are the princess. And I am the queen Clarisse Renaldi.) 这里单词nevertheless 意思是然而,尽管如此,相当于我们常用的however或者是in spite of that。

A: Come on, I just made a small mistake! B: Yeah, a very tiny, nevertheless fatal mistake. It'll totally ruin your career. 2. (Since your father died, you are the natural heir to the throne of Geneva.) 这里我们要学习单词heir 和 throne,heir是继承人,Throne 是宝座,王位。 A: Tom is the heir to a massive fortune. B: He's so lucky. 3. And given time, I think you'll find the palace in Genovia a very pleasant place to live.) given time的意思就是假定给你一些时间,当然在这个例句Do it within the given time. 意思就是在指定时间内完成它。 A: I really want to travel around the world. B: Given time and money, you'll have a chance to realize your dream. 4.(Rewind and Freeze.)rewind倒带和freeze结冰或者停止。 5. (I'm still waiting for normal body parts to arrive.) 意思是:我还等着成长发育呢。waiting for normal body parts to arrive. 等待正常身体部分的到来。



奶奶: 这是你父亲给你的16岁生日礼物,在他的遗物中找到的

Amelia : 我的生日要2周后才到

奶奶: 我知道 ,但我希望你在我们离开之前 收到它后天 我回Genovia

Amelia : 谢谢 它被锁上了

奶奶: 如果你把我给你的项链打开那就是 钥匙

Amelia : 谢谢你把它带来

奶奶: 我也是来道歉的 因为沙滩事件我的态度不好 我太严厉了 我没有弄清真相

Amelia : 没关系 奶奶

奶奶: 我最近想了很多 事实上我认为你会是个好公主 你知道 人们以为公主应该戴着皇冠 嫁给王子 总是那么漂亮 永远幸福地生活 但是远远不止这些 这是一个实际的工作

Amelia : 你是个了不起的人 奶奶 但是我认为我不应该做这些 我很害怕 害怕会让Genovia的人民失望 而且 我不能再让你失望了

奶奶: 那么 就像我说过的 我对你 有信心

邻居: 我是个作家

joseph : 啊

邻居: 我写肥皂。。 肥皂剧

joseph :恩

邻居: 你看过‘穿房而过’吗?

joseph : 没有 没有

邻居: 很火的 有一次 我写了一个很像你的人 他是个间谍

joseph :我不是间谍

邻居: 剧中人也是这么说的

奶奶: 这样我们 今晚见

奶奶: 我想让你帮个忙 我想你在舞会上对媒体正式宣布 放弃你的头衔 知道吗?



Amelia : 我不认为 也许 考虑到我和媒体的不愉快的历史 你来说会好一点

奶奶:Amelia 你不会因为几只虫子装上挡风玻璃 就不在开你的野马了吧?另外 我还要看你进步了多少 我会在那陪你 我会让joseph 7点来接你

Amelia : 不 我答应让妈妈送我去 她想送我参加我的第一个舞会之类的

奶奶:好吧 那我们舞会见

Amelia : 恩 奶奶?对不起!

奶奶: 你是我第一个也永远是我的孙女 哈 请别迟到


Courage is not theabsence of fear but rather the judgment that something else is more importantthan fear. The brave may not live forever but the cautious do not live at all. 勇气并不是没有恐惧,而是有比恐惧更重要的判断。勇敢的人不会长生不老,但是谨小慎微的人根本无法生存。 To be a princess,you have to believe that you are a princess. You've got to walk the way youthink a princess would walk. So, you gotta think tall you gotta smile and wave,and just have fun. 要想成为公主,你得相信自己就是一个公主。你应该像你所想象中的公主那般为人处世。另外,你得高瞻远嘱,从容不迫,笑对人生。 My expectation in life is to be invisible and I am good at it. 我只想隐身于人群中,而且这一点我很在行。 I am still waiting for formal body parts to arrive. 我正在长身体。 Because you saw me when l was invisible. 因为你在我隐形的时候也能看见我 不是很全,但这几句是我最喜欢的


I am really no good at speechmaking. Normally I get so nervous that I faint or run away or sometimes I even get sick. But you really didn't need to know that. But I am not so afraid anymore. My father helped me. Earlier this evening,I had every intention of giving up my claim to the throne and my mother helped me by telling me that it was ok and by supporting me like she has for my entire life. But,then I wondered how I'd feel after abdicating my role as princess of genovia. Would I feel relieved or would I feel sad? And then I realized how many stupid times a day I use the word “I”. In fact,probably all I ever do is think about myself .and how lame is that when there are 7 billion other people on the planet and,Oh,sorry,I'm going too fast. But then I thought if I cared about the other 7 billion out there instead of just me,that's probably a much better use of my time. See,if I were princess of genovia,then my thoughts and the thoughts of people smarter than me would be much better heard and just maybe those thoughts could be turned into actions. So this morning when I woke up,I was mia thermopolis. But now,I choose to be forevermore Amelia mignonette thermopolis renaldi ,princess of genovia My dearest daughter, today is your sixteenth birthday. Congratulations. I present you with this diary to fill the pages with your special thoughts of your wonderful life. It is a custom in my family to pass on a piece of wisdom when one reaches this age. I pass it on to you as my father passed it on to me. Amelia, courage is not the absence of fear but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear. The brave may not live forever but the cautious do not live at all. From now on, you'll be traveling the road between who you think you are and who you can be. The key is to allow youself to make the journey. I also want you to know I loved your mother very much and still think of her often. Happy Birthday, my Mia. All my love, your father. 应该有一个!


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