

03月21日 编辑 39baobao.com

[关于提建议的英语作文]it's my pleasure to do you a favor with your english learning.according to my experience,several points following serve an the good weapon against your difficul...+阅读

With the development of economy, there are more and more vehicles on the streets. Governments at all levels have to do something to solve the problem of heavy traffic in the city. I would like to share with you some ideas about this problem: firstly, the government should build more roads. This action can decrease the degree of street congestion and make it possible for cars to run faster than ever before.


交通拥堵路在何方? 城市越来越靓,道路越来越宽,交通却越来越拥堵!交通拥堵出行难已成为城市顽疾。日益增长的车辆和有限道路之间的矛盾也越来越突出,行车路经常变成停车场。出行难已成为市民最头痛的问题。越来越多的小汽车进去家庭,给人们带来极大方便的同时也带来了城市发展的一个通病。包括道路拥堵,环境污染、过量消耗能源等。面对现实既不能停滞汽车工业的发展也不能让道路越来越拥堵,目前为解决拥堵采取的单双号限行,限购车辆,拍卖车号的措施收效甚微,出行难依然难! 交通拥堵最主要的原因之一就是未能充分发挥公共交通的优势,忽视了公共交通在城市中的作用。以香港为例,香港弹丸之地,拥有700多万市民,还有不计其数的流动人口,却是条条道路通畅,在路窄,坡多,弯多的道路上各种汽车快速行驶。



With the developing of the ecnomic,the traffic condictions in some big cities is becoming more and more worse,especially in the rush hour.People waste a lot of time in waiting the bus or in their way home. It's time the government take measures to improve the traffic conditiongs.随着经济的发展,一些大城市的交通状况正变得越来越糟糕,特别是在交通高峰期。人们花费很多时间在等公共汽车和在回家的路上。是时候政府去采取措施来改善交通状况了。

In my view,first,government should broad the road to make more cars pass through.second,people should be encouraged to go by bus or bike instead of pravite cars,this will definitely reduce the air pollution as well.Third,people can go by subway in the rush hours.我觉得,第一,政府应该拓宽道路使更多的车辆通行,第二,应该鼓励人们用过搭公共汽车或着单车来代替私人汽车出行,这也同时减少了空气污染。第三,人们可以在交通高峰期乘坐地铁。

In a word ,I believe that we can improve our traffic condictions if we try our best.一句话,我相信,只要我们努力,就一定能改善我们的交通状况。


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