

02月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[人生中遇到问题解决后得到启示的作文]周末我与妈妈去了乡下,我一个人在田间的小路上散步。走着走着,一只正在缓慢爬动的小动物进入了我的眼帘。 仔细一瞧,原然是一只小蜗牛。我突发奇想,我想与这只小蜗牛一起散步。...+阅读

Once I had a problem with mymom, I was so upset that I had to ask my best friend Tom for help.

I called him on the phone and told him about the details of my problem.

He listened carefully to me and then he thought about it.

Finally , he asked me to write a letter to my mom and say sorry to her for what i did.

Thanks to Tom's help, my mom was so happy that I have grown up as a man.

I learned that with a problem, the best thing to do is ask someone for advice!



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