

03月17日 编辑 39baobao.com

[国庆节作文400字我最喜欢的节日]说起来,我向来讨厌节日。过年虽有压岁钱好拿,但是这也客串那也客串。我,失望了。没有自己玩的时间,没有自己的自在日子。况且我们这里一点也不热闹,还要硬着头皮走亲戚。 不过我...+阅读

I most like holiday

I most like the festival is the Dragon Boat Festival, because the Dragon Boat Festival to eat dumplings, wearing sachet. Each must insert "five ends": Acorus calamus, wormwood, pomegranate flower, Ixora, garlic. People will use red, yellow, blue, white, black five colors of silk thread in the child's neck, wrists and ankles, known as the "long thread".

I remember the last day of the Dragon Boat Festival, I be jubilant and mother to buy bamboo leaves. After returning home, I carefully observed mother make dumplings. She first put the rice panning clean, then put the leaves into a cone and the glutinous rice glutinous rice inside, still central plug a big red dates. Then, she again with another tablets Zongye wrap it up. Finally, the mother with a strong rope to pack a good dumplings tied up. I also learn to mother like that included a few, and mother dumplings are boiled in the pot.

Was finally cooked, but open the lid, I am scared: I package dumplings of glutinous rice from the leaf Fengli flow out, the dumplings into the rice porridge, my mother had to pack a pot.

Finished cooking dumplings, the mother brought "a long thread" on my wrist and neck, and in the doors and windows were inserted on the "five end".

On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival is full of mystery and contain technical content, I really hope that every day is the Dragon Boat festival.








There are many festivals in a year, I love Children's day, because on that day, I can have many candies from school. In the school, i will play many games, there will be no class on Children's day, everybody will have fun. Children's day is my favorite day, the day belongs to me. I enjoy that day so much. My parents will also celebrate it for me.


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