

03月15日 编辑 39baobao.com

[我的一次探险经历初一作文800字]今天,我突然想起四月份有一天发生的事,现在想想都有点可笑。 事情是这样的,那是个周六上午,爸爸妈妈都出去上班了,我正在写作业,突然窗外传来一种杂乱的声音,这让我写不下去作业了,...+阅读

An experience with my deskmate

This summer ,It was very hot , my deskmate and I came to the swimming pool.By the time we got there , There have been many people swimming now , colorful umbrellas are standing in the pool,just like beautiful flowers.

We were eager to change the bathing suit, jumped into the swimming pool, both of us don't know how to swim,so we just tried to imitate others. we also played with each other .In the water , I felt that I just like a fish .

Swimming is very interesting , We enjoy it very much!


I have a good at the same table. We do not talk at first, but later found that they share a common hobby: playing computer, slowly, we started with the topic of endless topic, we quickly became friends. Playing computer, I would not because he taught me that he will not do I teach him, and get along with others, has been found that good: warm, easy to get along, he was very helpful, you try to get along with him, you will, and his become a good friend!






我的同桌 My Deskmate

My deskmate is Nancy. She is a lovely girl. We are deskmates and friends. Nancy is a new student of my class. She comes to my class only two weeks. My teacher let her sit near me. At first, I didn't like her, because she was quiet. But, as time goes by, we become familiar to each other. I introduce my teachers and classmates to her. I am so happy, because I can help her something.


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