

02月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[我的一次探险经历初一作文800字]今天,我突然想起四月份有一天发生的事,现在想想都有点可笑。 事情是这样的,那是个周六上午,爸爸妈妈都出去上班了,我正在写作业,突然窗外传来一种杂乱的声音,这让我写不下去作业了,...+阅读

Once I write to is very bad, the teacher gave me, please come to the office. I saw the teacher is a face of serious, psychological very nervous. Finally the teacher said: "the writing is so bad that I have to let you rewrite. I see if you can write well the sun would tangel." I think: the teacher how so? How can so discrimination against me? It seems that I must that a grade to give teacher to see see!

From the next day on, I put some time for play out to see about the composition, the theme of the book, on Sunday also offered on composition class, as days passed. My ZuoWenBen on gradually with some A appeared, and it makes me feel happy. Think: this day will soon come. Another half A month, my ZuoWenBen have A gal grades. I delighted to: I'm going to ask the teacher, look at the sun is how from west out!

One day, the teacher told us to make good composition to her E-mail. I was ecstatic, already prepared article played out to the teacher's mail. For untold how many days and nights teacher finally put my hard for several months of Cyprus award look forward to. The teacher let me explain onstage experience, I hope a teacher say: "this have to thank the teacher." Say that finish and watched the teacher one eye, as if to say: when the sun from the west out?

During the break, next door class teacher made me, I don't know anything hastily past. The teacher said: "you ah, is did not know the teacher to your great effort, she is to let you can write a composition with" dared to shock you. Let you go hard practice, can now grades out, but you didn't understand. Only I to say with you." I listened to immediately speechless think: originally teacher is good for me, it's just so barking the teacher.

The teacher I want to say to you: "I am wrong, please forgive me!"


我最接近成功的一次经历作文我成功的经历有许多,其中一次让我至今难忘。 有一天,我突然心血来潮想学煎蛋,于是,就对妈妈说“妈妈今天中午可不可以教我煎蛋?”妈妈惊奇地问: “你怎么想要学煎蛋了呀!”“妈妈,我...

成功的一次经历作文成长是一种经历.成长经历了辛酸苦辣,走过了阴暗灰霾.才发现,成长是要以痛苦为代价才换来的.就像拔节的竹子,就像蜕变的蚕蛹.那一次成长的经历,至今仍然历历在目…… 那次,是一年...

我的一次成功经历英语作文I can still remember the sports meeting when I was in primary school. I took part in the 800-meter race on that day. At first, I was afraid of running. I though...


我的一次冒险经历 600 700字作文我的一次冒险经历 记得有一次五一长假,我们去道恩湖公园去玩,有一个游戏让我觉得非常的可怕,但也觉得好玩,那就是鬼屋。 我们去玩鬼屋之前,就曾经听到几个同学说:“太可怕了,实在是...

我的一次探险经历作文300字那一次“探险”,我终身难忘。 以前,我总爱在星期天做完作业后去哥哥家玩,因为他和我年纪相仿,所以特别合得来,但是我家和他家离得很远,所以我每次去他家都要花费一个半小时左右。...



养狗的一次经历作文我本来非常想养一只狗,养一只狼狗或者狐狸狗。可是到了和狗在一起的时候我就不那么想要一只狗了,为什么呢,想知道就和我一起走进后文吧。 这天晚上,我被分配了任务,带一只狗去转...
