

03月15日 编辑 39baobao.com

[我的拿手好戏唱歌作文500字]我的拿手好戏——唱歌 每个人都有自己的拿手好戏,如画画、剪纸、捏泥人……当然,我也不例外,我的拿手好戏就是唱歌。 在我上二年级的时候,我还高低音分不清,唱歌总是跑调。直到四...+阅读

I don't like Saturday at all. Because I am too busy to enjoy myself. In the morning, I go to school to have classes from 8:00 to 11:30. In the afternoon, I play the violin with the classmates from 2 to 4. In the evening, I have to go to an evening school.When I get back, I only want to have a sound sleep. Sometimes I'm as busy as a bee. I would like to have a free Saturday of my own. 就会

英语作文 myhobbies爱好唱歌 65词左右六年级水平

I have many hobbies, such as reading, writing, singing, drawing, watching TV and doing exercise. I think hobbies can make my life colorful. And I can make friends easier, because we have common interests and we have many things to talk about. Besides, having some hobbies can bring knowledge to me. For example, reading is a good way to get knowledge. I can not learn all from class, so reading can bring me other knowledge. Singing and drawing are skills. They can help me to improve myself.我有许多爱好,比如阅读、书法、唱歌、绘画、看电视以及运动等等。我认为爱好可以使我的生活充满色彩。我也可以很容易交到朋友,因为我们有共同的兴趣而且又很多东西可以谈。除此之外,拥有一些爱好可以给我带来知识。比如,阅读就是获取知识的一个好方法。我不能从课堂上学到所有东西,所以阅读可以带给我其他知识。


以My hobby唱歌写一篇英语文章!!

Different people, different hobbies. What hobbies do you have? My hobby is singing. It's a great hobby! It's fun and it makes me feel proud. Singing can be used to relieve (解除) my fatigues (疲劳), and can help me improve my accent(腔调). Singing makes me happy when I'm sad. Singing songs can make you clever. I am always singing at home to share each other's joys and sorrow (悲痛) in our life and to learn many songs. I really enjoy singing. It goes without saying that there are many different kinds of hobbies and they can't only (不仅) broaden (拓宽) our minds (智力) but also (而且) add more fun to our life....


我的爱好是运动作文500字每个人一定都有自己的爱好,相信每个人的爱好也一定会与众不同,我的爱好,认识我的人一定早已猜出来了,我的爱好是舞蹈,普通的不能在普通了。 我自打上幼儿园就开始学舞蹈,妈妈和老...

帮我写一遍英语作文myhobby80字1我的爱好是什么2为什么会有这样的Hello, my name is XX. My hobby is reading books. Because it is useful for me to learn knowledge. What 's more , I think it's very intersting . This hobby give m...

我的爱好唱歌作文1209字我的爱好唱歌 我喜欢的有:跳舞、跳绳、跳皮筋,但我最喜欢的还是唱歌。唱歌是我的爱好! 我最喜欢唱歌,只要是歌。我听个五六遍就能跟着唱,我从7岁就开始喜欢唱歌。七岁半的时候,我...

我的爱好是画画my hobby is drawing , I like drawing so much that I draw for one hour everyday,and I have been drawing for about five years。Usually, I like to draw both girls...


my hobby英语作文我的爱好是读书My hobby Everyone has his own hobby, it may give him lots of happiness. My hobby is listening to music. When I was a child I enjoy listening to music especially...

我的爱好是读书英语作文7句话小学生版My hobby is reading books. I like reading books very much. I can learn lots of different kinds of knowledge from reading books. Also, reading books makes me fee...

英语作文 My hobby 40要翻译我的爱好是看书everyone has his or her own hobby,and different people have different idea.my hobby is reading.i have lots of books in my house.some times i could read all nigh...

我的爱好是玩英雄联盟作文我的爱好是玩英雄联盟作文,求高人给我写一段关于英雄联盟的英文短文:我的爱好——玩 三年级(1)班李玉露我的爱好就是玩,尽情的玩,我最喜欢玩的时间就是暑假和寒假,只有那时我才能尽...
