

03月15日 编辑 39baobao.com

[小学五年级下册语文第七单元作文]我的老师 他个子不高,微微发胖的脸上有一双时常眯起来的慈祥的眼睛,一头花白的短发更衬出他的忠厚。他有一条强壮的右腿,而左腿,却从膝以下全部截去,靠一根被用得油亮的圆木棍支...+阅读

用心去感知这个美丽的世界,用眼去审视这美丽的世界,用耳去聆听这美好的世界,用手去触摸这美丽的世界,你会发现,原来有那么多感人的瞬间。 小时侯,我最喜欢冬天了,到了冬天我可以和哥哥姐姐在一起肆无忌惮的打雪仗。我疯狂地把我的“子弹“向哥哥姐姐扫射,同时也四处躲闪他们的枪林弹雨。我超喜欢滑冰,我那时还在上幼儿园,见到冰就会觉得特别亲,特想上去滑一滑,可又怕摔个狗吃屎,丢人现眼,那天恰好遇见我大哥,我大哥说:“二妮,想不想滑冰?“我极兴奋的点头:“恩恩我特想滑。“然后我蹲下,哥哥握着我得手拉着我跑,那感觉帅呆了,爽歪了,感觉风在我耳边飕飕的,可爽了。正当我得意的时候,一个人撞上了我哥,然后还找我哥的碴,我哥在那和他扭打起来,那时侯,我还不知道什么叫感动,只知道别人打我哥就是不对,我拼命的咬那个人的手,咬到最后我感觉我牙齿都有点松动了,休才住手,然后就看到哥哥流鼻血了,但还是我们赢了,这让我很自豪。

现在想起来还会有一点感动呢。 前不久,我在网上和别人玩五子棋,我第一次玩,老输,虽然哥哥一直在边上指导,只要哥哥稍不留神我就输了,我哥最后说:“她赢你几盘了?““八盘“我不好意思的说。“她竟敢欺负我妹,也不我同不同意,让我对付她“哥哥说完这话让我好感动,哥哥后来还写了下五子棋需要特别注意的地方给我看。我好开心有这么好的一个哥哥。

英语周报七下新目标u1 u6

Ⅰ. 1.mad 2.nervous 3. fortunately 4.health 5. hometown

6. supposed 7. danger 8. return 9.copy 10.started

Ⅱ. 11. finishing 12. was having 13.her 14. surprised 15.truth

16. lucky 17.to do 18.unhappy 19.asleep 20.farther

Ⅲ. 21.D. 22. B. 23. A. 24. C. 25.C 26. C 27. D 28.C 29. C 30. D

Ⅳ. 31—35 C A C B C 36—40 AB B DA

Ⅴ. 41—45 E B D A C

Ⅵ. (A)46.B. 47.A. 48.D. 49.C. 50. B

(B)51.his teacher gave him 52.into a ball/dirty

53.It was still worth 100 Yuan / It didn't go down in value.

54.as if they are worth nothing./ you will never lose your value.

55. we shouldn't give up.

Ⅶ.One possible version:

My math teacher said I was a hard-working boy and the Spanish teacher said I was good at speaking. My geography teacher said I did well in writing. But I didn't do very well in other subjects. My history teacher told me to do better. My Chinese is so-so. My science teacher said I was a lazy student.


Last sunday. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to hutiaoxia

by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,it began to rain,My West Lake silk umbrella missed,. Dad said to me,“Jill, don't do anything halfway.”at last,So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.We were flying kites, I was thirsty, my mother bought me a bottle of water, .finally we went home.finally,Since then, I've kept the umbrella。i was very happy


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