

03月14日 编辑 39baobao.com

[考试反思数学150字语文150字英语150字初一]语文: 就这次考试的试卷来看,难度不大,活的能力题目较多,尤其是基础部分的语言能力题占比重大。阅读与写作也不是过难的。这次我主要是课文填空发挥失常,错的过多。 通过这次的考...+阅读

Study,as one significant step of one's process , plays a far-reaching role in the whole life.

Unfortunately,better than half the parents force their children to study without touching everything else in daily life.Nowadays,what kids need is far beyond knowledge of learning in classes or books.Tons of students are hard up for skills of communicating with others ,obtaining the position in society,or even living independently.Turning into a geek with high marks is just the dream of our parents? Accordingly Learning in a variety of ways is indispensable for us.The importance of experience from daily lives and the knowledge from different realms should never be neglected. The knowledge from newspaper,TV. and internet shows us how this world goes.The experience of working or learning out of class shows us how to communicate and interact with others.

Generally speakling,learning widely is the only way to make us get high marks not only in class-study but also in the competition of the cruel society.



Delicious food is tasted a little to one another, this is who and who? Some people eat it only a small mouth to another, it is who and who? The answer is very simple, the former is the parents and their children, the children and their parents. The parents took a small bite just to know that food is very hot mouth, stale, and rest assured that the children to eat. The child thought should be shared with parents always remain a little, because now he could not eat, and only the parents will accept it without complaining, and praise children filial piety. Thanksgiving heart, grateful for you!一道美味的食物有人尝了一小口就给另一个人,这是谁和谁?有人吃的之剩下一小口才给另一个人,这又是谁和谁?答案其实很简单,前者是父母与孩子,后者是孩子与父母。父母尝了一小口只是为了知道那食物是否烫嘴、走味,然后才放心地让孩子去吃。



which might mislead(误导) the students.

First of all, some reference books might make the students inattentive(不专心的) in class. Thirdly, there are some reference books with many mistakes;t seen each other for quite a long time and I am eager to see you, many students may think that they know what the teacher is going to talk about, we will have a big meal, sing the popular songs and play games.

Therefore. With reference books. Is it possible for us to see you at seven on Saturday evening in my house? I hope you can come. For another, it also provides a good opportunity for you to meet many friends that you haven't seen for a long time. What an important thing it is for me to get your participation. The party would not be complete without you. So they may not listen to the teacher in class at all. Secondly, some students rely on the reference books too much, they may not prefer to working out problems by themselves, we should be careful in selecting and using reference books. Besides. Only in this way can we make full use of reference books.

An Invitation Letter(一封邀请信)


Dear Feng,

This September 5th is my birthday, reference books are just an assistant, so we shouldn'. We haven't rely on them too much. So I would like to invite your coming.

The party will begin at seven thirty p.m. For one thing.


2, so I want to hold a birthday party on Saturday evening in my house.

Sincerely yours1.

Reference Books(参考书)

Nowadays both of teachers and students use reference books during their studies, and there are many kinds of reference books in the book market. So how to use them becomes a very important problem


We shouldn't throw the rubbish everywhere. And try to by bus to go to work and go to school. Try not to spit everywhere. We should eat vegetables every day. After you have dinner and go for a walk. You should have an optimistic state of mind, and have ur own disturbing ability reduce the daily life and the work pressure. And have enough sleep every day. Try not to smoking. Try not to drink spirit. Usually to develop good habits.


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