

03月11日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求完成这篇图表英语作文谢谢!]The graph on the left represents the number of sleeping hours a middle school's students get. The graph on the right shows the correlation between the number of...+阅读

Swim In The Beach

I've been to the beach for many times. Each time i went there, I have many different feelings.

One day I went there with my parents, we looked at the ocean together. We ran on the beach, swam in the ocean. We really had fun.

When I went there with my firends, we played water polo in the ocean together. We played happily. Our friendship became very good.

The ocean is really beautiful, I like swimming in the ocean.

When I look at the ocean in nights. I have different feelings. I feel the world is really beautiful. I like the blue ocean. I will put my best memory on it.

the famous person L like most为题的作文

I know everyone has the most like person.So do I.The person I like best is Justin Bieber. Justin Bieber is one of the most famous singer in the USA. He is very popular that you can`t imagine.But he is only eighteen years old. He is an active boy. He is very handsome, he has brown eyes and a very bright smile, and he is of medium height ,he is a little bit thin.He can play the guitar the drum and many others.I enjoy his voice, I know, he is singing from his heart. One time at the concert he hurt his foot, but he still insisted. He didn't go to see the doctoruntil the concert was over. I admire his spirit. He makes me learn what is “Never Say Never”This is my favorite Justin Bieber。


随自己心意,想怎样就怎样。《论语·为政》:“七十而从心所欲,不逾矩。”唐 孔颖达 疏:“字无适庶之异,盖从心所欲而自称之耳。” 明 胡应麟 《诗薮·内编·近体中》:“变则标奇越险,不主故常;化则神动天随,从心所欲。” 廖仲恺 《中国实业的现状及产业落后的原因》:“条约上的束缚,关税上的钤制,怎能从心所欲,如愿以偿呢!”邹韬奋《患难余生记·进步文化的遭难》:“以为只须用全力消灭进步文化,便可达到他们‘唯我独尊’的目的,从此可以高枕而卧,从心所欲了。”2. 代指七十岁。 明 吴承恩 《寿王可斋七帙障词》:“年由此晋,值吾师从心所欲之年;月极其良,当我佛应世而生之月。”亦省作“ 从心 ”。 唐 戴孚 《广异记·丁约》:“及从心之岁,毛发皆鹤。

” 宋 苏舜钦 《杜公求退第一表》:“实已年近从心,体素多病,自忝魁任,於今累年。” 明 李东阳 《求退录》之八:“尚未从心之年,神彩精健,正当辅任。


U-20(2007.08) 2.School Days 2(2007.12)



5.トキメキ -Get My Love-(2008.05)



8.School Days 3(2008.11)

9.Alright 2(2009.03)




13.S*xual Report SORA 19歳(2009.10)


15.Alright 4(2010.08)

16.School Days 4 (2010.10.20)


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