
这个问题的题目是我的网友英文作文 !谁能帮帮啊急用

03月10日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求一个题目是我的烦恼的600字作文]在人生的旅途中每个人都有快乐与烦恼。快乐像春天般灿烂,而烦恼却像一个个结纠缠着我。不过只有成长中的快乐与烦恼才能让我体会生活的酸甜苦辣! 记得在小时候,我希望能快点儿...+阅读

My net friend

Last year, the father help I applied for a qq, began to called happy princess, now called ~ ~ ~ * you 兎, have 9 levels. I like the qq? Because there are my little diary and a and I very good friends.

She called 訫 ﹢ cry. We have each other's called iron iron, be good friend mean.

She is very bright, very lively and beautiful.

She has a big pair of bright water eyes, with a red face, a pair of crescent eyebrows. Sometimes, no note, you can see that she is like concealed small dimples! It's very cute.

She likes to help others. That, she net friend of missing the qq number, she used his 30 dollars, finally put the qq to recover. And her sister was ill, and her sister carrying his own run thousands of meters road, sister safe to the hospital, but he was too tired to full head big sweat.

People like me this iron iron? If like, that means more to CaiCai my little space! I'll tell you more about the story of my iron iron oh oh oh oh.


It is not good for teenagers to make friends through the Internet.Nowadays, science and technology are flourishing and thriving. Along with the invention of personal computers and the Internet, more and more teenagers are attracted by the internet deeply. They chat and make many new friends through the Internet. However, making friends through the Internet is not only perilous but wasting time as well. Thus, it is not good but extremely bad to make friends through the Internet.Making 'net friends' is very hazardous. Nowadays, mankind are no longer innocent as before. They deceive and blackmail each other every day. This situation become worse after computers and the Internet are invented. Many innocent teenagers do not have the ability to distinguish who are good and who are evil. If some teenagers make friends with evil ones through the Internet, then everything serious will follow close upon another. Sometimes wicked guys threat or cheat teenagers. They threat or deceive teenagers to give them money or something else. And sometimes, evil people teach bad things to those innocent teenagers and let them get as evil as them. Hence, from here we can see that making friends through the Internet is very hazardous.Making friends through the Internet is also a waste of time. The most important task for teenagers is study. Making 'net friends' is very time-consuming and wasting them much precious time. If one always use the Internet making friends and ignore the study, then in the course of time, they will be ignorant and incompetent. Thus making friend through the internet is a waste of time.However, some people say that making 'net friends' can make teens become sociable. This is good for teens. Even though there is some truth in it, making 'net friends' is perilous , wasting time and even make innocent teens become evil, ignorant and incompetent. The disadvantage of making 'net friends' is more than its advantage. Therefore, although making 'net friends' has advantages, it is still bad for teenagers.In conclusion, making 'net friends' is perilous, wasting time and even making innocent teens evil, ignorant and incompetent. Hence, making friends through the Internet is harmful.


The internet is a helpful tool in communicating with not only friends living near by but also strangers beside the ocean.

I made a net friend last month.After talking with her about our opinions on various things,I found that we are luckily to meet online.

Though she lives far from our nation.But the internet shorten the distance between us.When I have something fun,I share it with her.And also,when sad tears will be full my eyes,she encourages me a lot.


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