
克隆人的利与弊 200 300字

02月11日 编辑 39baobao.com

[请以克隆为题写一篇450字的作文]有那么一种技术,他可以造福人类但同时就可能危及人类,他为我们的生活带来方便亦或是隐患。他就是第三次科技革命的创举,人类科技的里程碑——克隆。 谈起克隆,你是否记得多利羊,...+阅读

克隆的利与弊 克隆,像每一件事物一样,有利也有弊,而且是两极分化。 说起克隆的“利”,可真有不少呢。克隆可以延长人的寿命;可以培养高附加值的牲畜;可以挽救濒临灭绝的珍稀动物;可以提高农业方面的产量……就当代科学技术而言,器官移植种的排斥反应仍是最令人头痛的事。如果把“克隆人”的器官提供给“原版人”,那么就不会有任何顾虑。

所以“克隆”对医学是很有帮助的。 但是克隆的弊仍大于利。从层面来说,可以例举出三个“层面”。一是生态层面,克隆技术导致的基因复制,会威胁基因多样性的保持,生物的演化将出现一个逆向的颠倒过程,即由复杂走向简单,这对生物的生存是极为不利的。二是文化层面,克隆人是对自然生殖的替代和否定,打破了生物演进的自律性,带有典型的反自然性质。

三是哲学层面,通过克隆技术实现人的自我复制和自我再现之后,可能导致人的身心关系的紊乱。人的不可重复性和不可替代性的个性规定因大量复制儿丧失了唯一性,丧失了自我及其个性特征的自然基础和生物学前提。 所以我认为克隆弊大于利! Cloning, like the same things, there are advantages and disadvantages, and polarization. Speaking of cloning, "Lee" can be a lot of it really. Cloning of human life can be extended; can develop high value-added livestock; can save endangered animals; to increase agriculture production ... ... on the modern science and technology, the types of organ transplant rejection remains the most vexing thing. If the "human cloning" of organs available to the "original people", then there will not be any concerns. Therefore, the "clone" of medicine is helpful. However, the disadvantage of cloning is still greater than the benefit. From the point of view, can be examples of three "levels." First, the ecological level, the cloning of the gene lead to reproduction, may threaten the maintenance of genetic diversity, biological evolution would be a reverse of the reverse process, that is, from complex to simple organisms which produce an adverse effect on survival. Second, the cultural level, human cloning is an alternative to natural reproduction and the negative, to break the biological evolution of self-regulation, with the typical nature of the anti-natural. Third, philosophical level, the adoption of cloning technology to achieve self-replication and self-reproduction, it may lead to the relationship between people's physical and mental disorders. People can not be repetitive and non-substitutability of personality because of a large number of children lost the only copy, and loss of self and personality characteristics of the natural basis and prerequisite for biology. So I think that cloning does more harm than good!


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