

03月08日 编辑 39baobao.com

[包馄饨日记五年级日记500字]一大早,奶奶就去菜场买来了包馄饨用的皮子、肉和一些作料准备包馄饨吃。 九点多一点,奶奶开始动手了。她先把肉洗净,然后放在菜板上,把肉切成条,然后,切成粒,最后剁细。她又从菜蓝...+阅读


Jun. 25th Sun. Sunny

Today is Junuary 25th。I should have a happy day with my parents,because today is Spring Festival。

At 20:00,we opened television and watched TV together。That's would be fun!I was very happy that night。

一月25日 星期日 晴




Jun. 26th Mon. Sunny

Last night we watched TV together,today we were going to my grandparents' home。

Oh,there were many people:my grandparents,my uncle and aunt,my brother and sister……We played happy。At last they gave me some money and hoped me had a good time。

1月26日 星期一 晴




Jun. 28th Tue. Windy

Morning,we went to the Bank of Communications and put the money in it。My mother told me,I had had many money now。I feeled happy。

1月28日 星期二 有风



1.I'm very busy today Today,I'm very.I get up at 7:00.And then,I eat breakfast.In the moring,I do my home work.At 12:00,I eat lunch.I eat some rice and vegetables.Tomatoes and eggplants are my favourite.I think they're very good and healthy.And in the afternoon,I read books at home.In the evening,I watch TV with my parents.Today I'm very busy,but I'm very happy,too. 因为我已经上中学了,是翻看着以前的课本写的,也不知道难度怎么样,要可以的话我再发。






Go swimming

Yesterday, I and my sister go swimming pool. We were swimming natatorium, to play, and running. Very happy. In swimming, I kept playing with water, sister too. Now at five o 'clock. I ate a ice cream, but sister eats biscuits.

Eating snacks, we continue to swim. Sister learned backstroke, me too. But my sister swim better than many, I be very happy. But she is my sister, I should let her mother, so let us, I intentionally lost to her. Mom, I suddenly slowed down, feel very oddness, ask me why, I tell her, mom did not praised me, but I was criticized. Later, I also know why, because his mother didn't want me to a younger sister, so I just criticism.

Yesterday, I forget.



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英语日记范文五年级上册水平求8篇第一篇: Jun. 25th Sun. Sunny Today is Junuary 25th。I should have a happy day with my parents,because today is Spring Festival。 At 20:00,we opened television an...

小学五年级英语日记我的一天Day_______,Date_______,Weather________ Today I was very happily today! In the morning, it was very fine! Then I climbed the mountain with family, the air on the...
