

01月11日 编辑 39baobao.com


第一篇: Jun. 25th Sun. Sunny Today is Junuary 25th。I should have a happy day with my parents,because today is Spring Festival。 At 20:00,we opened television and watched TV together。That's would be fun!I was very happy that night。一月25日 星期日 晴今天是1月25号,我准备和我的爸爸妈妈一起过一个快乐的节日,因为今天是春节。20:00,我们打开了电视机,来观看春节联欢晚会。那非常有趣!那天晚上我非常非常地高兴。 第二篇: Jun. 26th Mon. Sunny Last night we watched TV together,today we were going to my grandparents' home。 Oh,there were many people:my grandparents,my uncle and aunt,my brother and sister……We played happy。At last they gave me some money and hoped me had a good time。 1月26日 星期一 晴昨天晚上我们一起看了电视,今天我们又准备去祖母家拜年。哦,已经有不少人在那里了:我的外祖父母、我的叔叔阿姨,还有我的弟弟妹妹等等。我们玩得很尽兴。在告别的时候他们给了我许许多多的压岁钱,还祝我玩得高兴、开心。第三篇: Jun. 28th Tue. Windy Morning,we went to the Bank of Communications and put the money in it。My mother told me,I had had many money now。I feeled happy。1月28日 星期二 有风早上,我们去了交通银行存钱。妈妈告诉我,我的存折上已经有好多钱了。我感觉真好。...


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