
求一个英语作文题目: Recycling

03月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求一个题目是我的烦恼的600字作文]在人生的旅途中每个人都有快乐与烦恼。快乐像春天般灿烂,而烦恼却像一个个结纠缠着我。不过只有成长中的快乐与烦恼才能让我体会生活的酸甜苦辣! 记得在小时候,我希望能快点儿...+阅读

Recycling is popular in the world now especially in developed countries. For example, some European countries are now making an active effort to recycle the materials. Because materials such as paper, glass or metal can be collected and used again. Thus it can save a lot of energy. In China, the government is also working hard to protect our environment. Many materials like glass or plastic bottles and used books are recycled. So I suggest from now on every one learn to know what are the recycled and unrecycled materials.


1.Changing all of your light-bulbs to compact florescent is not only a simple way to help, but also an easy way to save money.2.Stop using plastic bottles. In the United States it is easy to find good water filters. Buying bottled water is expensive and increases your carbon footprint on the environment. Use a refillable and reusable water bottle that you can fill with filtered tap water.3.Recycle all that you can. If you find using plastic bottles to be indispensable, make sure you recycle them. Landfills and garbage dumps are simply overflowing with trash that could be recycled and reused. Many towns offer recycling programs that are easy to participate in.4.Eat food that is grown locally. Many people would be surprised at how easy it is to get locally grown organic foods. Vegetables grown by a local farmers are fresh, delicious and sustainable....





Today, the Earth, due to the large number of greenhouse gas emissions, pollution, environmental degradation, have become increasingly unsuitable for human habitation us, so we must implement a low carbon economy. Only we all afforestation, development and utilization of clean energy and renewable energy, recycling and utilization of waste, we can embark on the road ~ green development


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