

02月26日 编辑 39baobao.com

[我的机器人四年级作文400字]去年秋天,大伯送给我一个玩具器机人。我很高兴,让我器机人来给你说一说它的功能吧 它是灰色的还会变成赛车呢,可有趣啦!它还有一个说话的功能,会说:”你好。”“超人来也。”逗得...+阅读

My Robot

I think I'll have a robot in the future.That may not seem possible now,but we never know what will happen in the future.

My robot named Tony.Ithink my robot will be as tall as me.My robot is just like humans.I don't think it will be very big.

It help with the housework and do the most unpleasant jobs.Maybe it can do everything for us.I think my robot will sing for me when I got bord.Also it will help me with my homework.And I think I'll have more free time.

But I think it can think for itself,because we never know what will happen in the future.

As for its advantages ,that's it can do everyting for me.It will be my best friend.

But if it can do everyting for me,I'll be lazy.

I hope it will come true.


As the development of the science and technology, more and more people begin to use robot in life to serve for them.Using robots will bring you much convenience. They can do housework for you,such as wash cloths,clean rooms and so on. Therefore,you will have more spare time to do everything you like.However, each coin has two sides. A robot may cause many troubles to you.It may catch virus,may put foods into washing machine, may throw shirts to dustbin. Of course, the direct aftermath of the robot is to be sent back to robot shops.


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