

02月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[雅思G类作文什么种类啊?小作文都是书信类吗?大作文是什么种类]雅思考试写作G类用时60分钟,包含两篇作文的写作要求,大家需在60分钟内完成这两篇作文。 雅思考试官方建议大家第一篇作文用时20分钟,第二篇作文用时40分钟。这方面与雅思写作A...+阅读

我认为axinaim9提的5点指正都非常准确。要想在高水准基础上进一步提高的话,我想主要应该在语言表达方式上能更上一层楼。 原文:I am writing to request your permission to start work one week later. 第一句的意思是one week later from now or from next Monday?当然当我读到第二句我猜到你实际要表达的意思是后者。但是这是正是第一句表达的不清晰,不完美之处。 改写:I am writing to request your permission to postpone my work starting date for one week. 原文:According to our contract signed last month, I am supposed to begin to work on next Monday 你的雇佣合同里使用的一定是公历日期。你不知道老板读信的日期。在实际工作中,西方一般要使用公历日期以避免产生任何疑惑。 改写:According to our contract dated 3 July 2010, I shall commence working on 9 August 2010, or next Monday. 原文:But I am afraid I could not start work on that day. 楼上已经指出的要用"start working", 另一种改法是干脆把“work”去掉。

"could not start" 和 "unable to start"可以换用,两者相比前者可以是主观原因也可以是客观原因,后者更强调客观。如果请假非常坚决,一定不能上班了最好用后者,如果还有商量的余地,最好用前者。与上面使用公历日期相对应的,第三句句尾的“day"要改成"date"。 改写:But I am afraid I am unable to start on that date. 原文:Unfortunately, an accident happened to my litter brother yesterday morning. When I rushed to the hospital I found he was badly injured. What's worse, the troublemaker of the accident has run away. 就这封信的内容来说,我感觉“Unfortunately”不必要,“When I rushed to the hospital”不必要,而其他的相关信息提供还不够多。读完第一句我不知道accident是什么accident,读到后面的troublemaker run away我猜想你实际要表达的是交通事故offender hit-and-run。

好的英文要用精炼的语言介绍更多的细节。 改写:Yesterday morning, my little brother was knocked off his pushbike in a hit-and-run road accident. He has got a fractured arm and a bruised leg. He is hospitalised and in stable condition. 原文:I need to take care of my brother for a few days and try my best to help the police find a witness of the accident. 你的老板的回信很可能会是这样的,“到底多严重?一个星期够了吗?别担心工作,你先去忙家事吧,一个月后要是确实忙完了再来上班吧。”如果你确实是只想请一个星期的假,这一段最好写上为什么你只请一个星期的假。 “help"the police 不是很地道。你不是帮助警察而是协助警察工作。建议改成"assist"。“witnesses” 建议用复数。 “find” 改 “finding”. 改写:I need to take care of my brother for a few days and try my best to assist police in finding witnesses. I believe by 16 August 2010, I would have settled these urgent domestic matters. 原文:As a consequence, I might not be able to start work on time. 这句话应该删掉。

句子没错,但是从请假信的角度这句可能是最大的败笔,让老板搞不清楚你到底是能不能来工作。按澳洲劳工法,雇员每年十天的带薪carer's leave 或每次两天的带薪compassionate leave 都是正当权益。真的出了这种事,雇主没有不准假的理由,何况你还不要求拿工资。 原文:I am deeply sorry for that. "that"是什么?这句是段落的第一句话,尽量避免使用"that"。特别是上一段最后一句删掉后,建议在这里把后边表达清晰。 另外,建议把前句中的 “start work on time” 改为“start my job as scheduled”避免产生上班迟到的歧义。 改写:I am truly sorry for unable to start my job as scheduled. 原文:I would appreciate it very much if you could give me one more week's time before starting work. “One more week” 是什么意思?现在离合同开始有一周,还想再推迟一周?请一周假不够还希望两周? 改写:I would appreciate it very much if you could allow me postpone the job start for one week. 原文:Thanks very much for your understanding and kindness help. I am looking forward to your reply. “Thanks very much”不是地道的用法。

建议改成“thank you very much” “kindness help”建议去掉 “help”。 改写:Thank you very much for your understanding and kindness. I am looking forward to your reply. 主观臆断,请见谅。

求雅思14 1 11的作文真题!

Task 1 2014-01-11:The flow chart below shows the recycling procedure of glass bottles. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant 写作分析:本文源自“雅思救星”。 本周,上海的考生迎来了一场开门红——流程图。许多烤鸭对流程图谈之色变,怀有很浓重的抵触情绪。实际上,流程图只是个小怪物。我们只要正确对待它,其实流程图并不难解。 流程图的写作需要注意以下几个方面。第一,时态问题。大多数流程图描述的是制造某个产品的过程或是某个原理,属于一般事实情况,因此大多为一般现在时。第二,分段。流程图的分段较为灵活。单张图的情况下,可以根据各步骤分成两到三段。两张图或以上的情况下,则每图一段。第三,顺序词,文章中要用清晰的顺序词将每个步骤清晰的表示出来,如at the beginning of the process, then, next等等。

第四,被动语态。流程图为体现客观性,避免人称的出现,基本上采用被动语态句式。第五,烤鸭们在平时的练习中,需要积累一些特定的表动作的词语,如grind, transfer, roast, rotate, melt等等。 本周的流程图实际早在09年就已经考过类似题目,之后又出现过几次,可谓是出场率很高的经典题目。这次的题目稍有改动,但基本思路一致,我们可以根据地点的不同用三个主体段来描写。具体内容如下: 写作思路: Body 1: 瓶子按三种颜色分类进行收集(separately collected according to colors of bottles),之后利用卡车将收集到的瓶子运送至processing plant去。 Body 2: 在处理工厂中,瓶子首先根据其瓶盖将其分为两类(metal tops and plastic tops),之后将两类瓶子分别粉碎(glass bottles are broken into pieces)。

然后, 玻璃碎片被送至glass factory。 Body 3: 在玻璃工厂中,玻璃碎片(broken pieces of glass)和其他原材料(raw materials)一起放进熔炉里熔化成液体玻璃(melted into liquid)。最后(entering the final stage of this process),融化的混合物被制作成了新的玻璃瓶。Task 2 20140111:Nowadays many young people choose to change their jobs frequently, eg. after a few years. What are the causes of the situation? Do the advantage outweigh the disadvantage? 题目翻译:如今,许多年轻人选择频繁地更换自己的工作。这一现象的原因是什么?其优点是否超过缺点? 考题分析: 大作文考试是混合型文体,由reason + argument组成。往常的议论部分通常出现的问法是is it a positive trend或是do you think it is true等,这次则提问了正反双边。 文章结构很简单,除去开头结尾,文章正文可分为三段。

正文首段介绍原因,接下类两段分别介绍优点和缺点,但需注意的是,由于本题目提问优点多还是缺点多,因此在这两段的篇幅上要去侧重于自己倾向的那一方面。原因部分也可以从正反两个角度去考量,一方面可能是自身能力不够,另一方面可能是公司不能满足自身发展的需求,需要改变环境。 内容参考: Body1: 年轻人频繁跳槽的原因可能是复杂而多方面的(complex and manifold)。最为常见的一个原因是年轻人希望寻求更好的发展(better career development)。原先的公司可能并不认可年轻人的工作(value the work of young people),或是发展受到了限制。另一个可能的原因(potential cause)是自身无法很好的融入原公司的工作环境,不能胜任自己的共工作。 Body 2: 频繁更换工作(frequent job-hopping)很可能会让年轻人在将来难以找到心仪的公司。

如今,大多数公司倾向于雇佣忠诚度较高的员工(high loyalty),因为人才流失会使得公司损失大笔的培养成本。 Body 3: 然而,从年轻人的角度来讲,更换工作可以不断挑战自己(challenge themselves),挖掘自身的潜能(tap the potential)。另一方面,跳槽也有利于找到年轻人最适合的工作。


Teenager delinquency is becoming an increasing concern. Some people claim that only lenient sentences can not curb the major crimes, therefore, their punishment should not be differentiated from the adults. However, I can not totally agree to this. Those who support the same fixed sentence towards both youth and grown-ups argue that without harsh punishment, juveniles would not realize the serious after effect of their behaviour and leave the victims and their families suffering. Simply, the best solution is to treat them like the adult if the crimes they commit are every bit as heinous as adult. However, adolescents do not have the same physical and mental condition as adult, so applying the same penalty is not reasonable for all situations. The causalities of high criminal rate of teenager rooted deeply in the social environment- family and media influences for example. As the young, some of them are naturally daring and knows no boundaries. If the media presents violent actions as cool, then young people may regard gangster as hero, gain sense of powerful and develop big ego by bullying others or commit severe crimes like robbery or a violent attacks as a result. To radically settle the problem, morals should be taught and the positive way to show off strength should be presented on TV more. Another reason I think juvenile offenders should not be tried and punished as adult is that there is a chance for rehabilitation. However violent crimes they committed, with alternative ways of punishment or easier sentence, there is much greater possibility for them to reestablish the value, return to normal life and even shift gears to become leader of certain area. Compared with adult criminals, the young ones are more capable of learning from their mistakes. Once they understand the consequences of their behaviour and realize their desired goal of life, they rehabilitate much faster. Conversely, if they are punished the same way as adult, chances are that they become repeat criminals or serial offenders, since they are taught more criminal techniques and their identity of criminal is strengthened when captured in jail. Although based on rule of justice, heinous acts should be punished regardless of the age, for sake of long term benefit, collaborative efforts of the whole society should be taken to save the juvenile offenders by every possible solution except for equivalent penalty as adult in many instances. 雅思备考


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