

02月25日 编辑 39baobao.com


Dear Miss Sun, Hello, I tempest China, my career journalists, service 11, the date of birth on July 6, 1965. Changchun, Jilin, China birthplace, foreign language will be English, Japanese, German, and specialty computers. Public : 1990 graduate of Beijing University's journalism department from 1990 to 1996 in Shenzhen, in December 1997 Daily work In 1998, BBC learning year in 1990 to the newspaper stories, the director has. Thank you. Yours,***我叫王华,想去北京21st Century 报社应聘。 职业是记者,工龄11年,出生日期1965年7月6日,出生地中国吉林长春,外语会英语、日语、德语, 特长是计算机。 个人简历: 1990年北京大学新闻系毕业 1990年至1996年12月在深圳日报工作 1997年至1998年在英国BBC学习一年 1990年回报社新闻编辑部,任主任至今。 80-90词左右。 谢谢Dear Miss Sun,Wu China on July 6, 1965 was born in the Chinese Jilin Changchun Speaks English, Japanese, German can use the computer jobseniority for 11 years In 1990 Beijing University department of journalism graduation From 1990 to 1996 December in Shenzhen Daily work Studied for a year from 1997 to 1998 in English BBC In 1999 the repayment society news arranges close-stitches, isappointed director until now Wants to go to Beijing 21st the century newspaper office torespond to a call for recruits Yours,***大概内容:吴华 1965年7月6日出生在中国吉林长春 会英语,日语,德语 会使用计算机 工龄11年 1990年北京大学新闻系毕业 1990年至1996年12月在深圳日报工作 1997年至1998年在英国BBC学习一年 1999年回报社新闻编缉部,任主任至今 想去北京21st century 报社应聘

My Career Planning英语作文

Everybody has his or her dream and career. Different person has different ideas in choosing their career.For me, to be a teacher is my ideal career.Because when I was still a little child in the primary school,I found it was so great to be a teacher. And my grandpa and grandma are all teacher. In my heart i think teacher can teach students various of knowledges, not only teach them how to be good at study, but also how to be a good person. A good teacher can lead his students onto the right road, avoiding makeing mistakes. What's more, to be a teacher could contribute a lot both to their students and to the society. It is so wonderful . Now i am a college student , after graduated from school , i have to find a job, start my career,if i become a teacher,on the one hand ,i can live in campus to share many things with my students,on the other hand ,the pay of this career is well.A teacher is the model of his students. A teacher will always love her students as same as her children.To be a teacher should be fun but challenging.So i must study hand to learn a lot of knowledge and learn how to get on well with others. If i have chance one day, i will choose teacher as my career.译文:每个人都有自己的梦想和事业。



新编大学英语3 Career planning里的一句话看着感觉好别扭求

there are few changes in careers(这里that引导的从句,修饰前面的changes, that involve "downward" movement); (这里省略了主语,changes(因为和前面主语相同,所以神略了))most involve the traditional business of "getting ahead".语序调顺了,就是there are few changes(that involve "downward" movement)in careers,changes most involve the traditional business of "getting ahead".楼上翻译的很好,我就不翻译啦~


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