

02月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[有意的假期生活作文结尾]我的假期生活 除了紧张、充实的学习生活外,我还拥有轻松、愉快的假期生活。那丰富多采的内容,充实了我的人生,也为童稚的学生生涯增添了几分乐趣与悠然。 茶余饭后去散步是我每...+阅读

Last Sunday,I went to BeijingGaobeidian Wastewater Treatment Plant,as the biggest and most important wastewater treatment plant in Beijing,is a major factory which for improving the environment to benefit the society. First of all, when I arrived the factory , I smelt the smelly odor.Then I saw a film of treating with the wastewater,and I learn a lot of tings about water,including saving water and using reuse water.In addition ,I visited the factory,and saw many workers work in it.Although the air is very dirty, they work here every day for Beijing's environment. This experience makes me understand that the water is very important for us.Please not waste water ,for our environment and for 2008 Olympic game....


作文我的假期生活《我的假期生活》500字 原文地址: 这个暑假里,我过得很快乐。我和许多朋友在一起,这个暑假我很快乐。 平时上课只有一个人在家一个人做作业,在暑假里还有同学可以一起做作业,不会...

求假期生活的作文愉快的暑假生活 暑假一放,我就迫不及待地坐上开往长武的绿色公交车,飞向我那向往已久的老家——泾川·飞云。 飞云虽然是农村,但是那里人杰地灵,是我童年的摇篮,是我向往的地方。...

假期生活的作文当一天“家长” 今天我和父母换了换位置,我成了家长,他们成了我的孩子,这是我想不到的。嘿嘿,我真是很兴奋呢!平时看着爸爸妈妈为家庭忙碌操劳,我也想为他们分担一点,可(加上一个“...

关于假期生活的作文《我的暑假计划》 放暑假了,同学们尽情地无忧无虑地玩,我当然也不例外,电脑、电视成了我忠实的伙伴,晚饭之余还得去文化广场和同学们玩活力板比赛,可是再开学我就是一名五年级的...

我的假期生活英语作文翻译中译英My holidays This summer, I was very happy. Although I didn't go out to travel. But my friends and me to a nursing home to help old people. In a nursing home, we...

丰富的假期生活作文1. 生活,就像是一个万花筒,记载着种种美好。生活是丰富多彩、五彩斑斓的画面,看到生命的长河,仿佛看到了生活的美好。 2. 当我们翻开生活的第一页时,仿佛看见人们一张一张的笑脸,...

求假期生活的作文愉快的暑假生活 暑假一放,我就迫不及待地坐上开往长武的绿色公交车,飞向我那向往已久的老家——泾川·飞云。 飞云虽然是农村,但是那里人杰地灵,是我童年的摇篮,是我向往的地方。...

我的假期生活英语作文 50字我的假期英语作文50字一:My holiday Here comes my holiday! I have lots of plans for this winter holiday. I need to finish my homework first! And I will also previe...

以假期活动为题的英语作文Last May Day I was happy last May Day.On the first day,I did my homework.On the second day,I climbed a mountion.On the third day,I went shopping.On the fourth d...
