

02月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[图书馆三年级作文700字]【导读】: 图书馆是大家向往的地方,这样的地方充满着幸福的回忆。文章简单流畅,介绍的十分详细,作者能将自己的感情融合进去文章。小作者文笔流畅,看得出来在写文章前就有充足的...+阅读

It seems that most students like to study in the library, especially when there are examinations. I also like to study in the library. Because of the quiet atmosphere, I can better concentrate on my study. The diligence of other people in the library also inspires me to work even harder. I usually get more by studying in the library. The library is a good place to study only if we observe its rules, such as not talking loudly. Otherwise the value of the library will be greatly reduced.


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