

02月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[写一篇关于蛇与马的故事的英语作文要写翻译]Snakes,usually .in people's mind ,is a symbol of evil .actually .Snake is born with great weakness ,it doen't run very fast,it doesn't have sharp teeth or stron...+阅读

Our School Library Our school has a library. It's not big but it is very bright and clean. There are story books, picture books in it. You can also borrow books about music and sports. I like to read stories,so I often borrow story books from the library. Every time we can keep the book for two week. There is a big reading room in the library. When you enter the reading room, you can find these words on the wall:"Knowledge is power." and "Keep silence!" We can read magazines and newspapers in the reading room, but we can't take them out. 仅供参考


要写一篇家乡的美食的作文求采纳O(∩_∩)O谢谢 我的家乡在湖北省监利县容城镇,是一个离长江较近的地方。这里有许多水产品和农作物,所以,我的家乡常被称为“鱼米之乡”。 在我的家乡有许多美食,我最爱吃的...

要写一篇一我的阳光心态为题的作文可以有那些素材急求回答问题我一个阳光女孩,在我的生活里到处充满阳光! 在家里,一缕缕温馨的光芒将我轻抚,让我幸福成长。爸爸妈妈的唠叨里充满着对我的呵抚,对我的关爱,给予了我蜜桃般的生活。每星期从学校...

请帮我写一篇有关于学校生活的英语作文My name is Lily,a Grade eight student.I like my school life very much because it's really enjoyable.In school,I spent the time with my lovely classmates and tea...

要写一篇关于水墨写意画的作文求一个有韵味的题目风 串了一会儿门 我的窗户 七月的高冈上敞开给了夕阳 水墨的写意画在笔下如 山涧的溪水 林子里 与阵阵蛙鸣 跌入原野 总会记起炊烟袅袅的梦幻 清澈的阳光 一如一岁的荣枯打...

要写一篇关于大学的500词的英语作文哪位可以帮忙啊Our College-我们的大学 Our college is situated in the northen suburbs. But the transportation is convenient and the environment is pleasing. A hill lies in the...

写一篇关于班里那些事的作文我们班是一个有趣的班级,其中发生的有趣事儿如牛毛一般多,几天几夜都说不完,什么?你不信?那就请看! 我们这个班,总体来说很不错,但是就是纪律有些问题,这不,班长又在上面喊上了…… “...

要写一篇作文题目是:别样的别样的温暖 飘雪了. 洁净的雪花纷纷洒落,把原本既喧嚣又寂寞的孤城笼罩,只留下一片静谧与安宁. 我拉紧上衣,在雪中静静地漫步.飘雪时是美的,而飘雪的夜晚是更美的.因为此时已没...

要写一篇关于童年的一件事的作文 5年级作文今天就要快急年就像那海滩上一块块贝壳,也像天鹅身上那一根根洁白的羽毛,数不胜数。其中,有一件事至今也让我记忆犹新,就是红樱桃和辣椒的事。它记载了既尴尬又好笑的事。 记得有一天,妈妈带...

谁能用英语写一篇关于学校的作文My School ========= My school is very beautiful. It is in Guicheng, near the Qiandeng Lake. Do you know it? It is Nanhai Experimental Primary School. I like my...
