

02月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求军训感悟600多字就行急很急]上好军训第一课,能为我们今后三年的学习生活打下良好的基础,在艰苦的军训中,我学会的第一个就是站军姿。 抬头、挺胸、眼睛目视前方,双手中指放在裤缝上,双脚打开60度。一连窜的...+阅读

As one of the most important invention of twenty -first century,computer has wide application in all aspects of our lives,for example, industry ,business,education,medicine and so on.We can get much information and know more about the world.It opens our eyes to outside world and we can get some knowledge.But every thing has two sides.So does computer.If you will fall in love with it,it will affect your studies and your health,so you must contral yourself. In a word,I think the most useful invention is computer.


谁能给我写一篇以新与旧为话题的作文 300 400字就行急信息爆炸的世纪之交,忽然“怀旧”这个词成了人们的新宠。怀旧是人们内心深处对过去的怀念和向往:幽深逼仄的弄堂里加上一抹昏暗的路灯光,就是上演张爱玲《半生缘》的绝佳场所;法...

英语作文简单词替换难得词高频替换词 1. important =crucial (extremely important),significant(amount or effect large enough to be important) 2.common=universal, ubiquitous(if something is...

求一篇以信念为话题的话题作文600字就行急求跪求求信念是人生的支柱,是沙漠中的绿洲,是航海时的灯塔。 像鸿鹄飞跃山岭,像骆驼穿越沙漠,高洁的信念和持久的耐力始终是生命价值的两个筹码。 以利益为支持的团体极易动摇,以信念为纽...

帮忙写一篇英语作文啊My house is a little far from my school, so I always go to school by bus. But now, I try to ride my bike to school. Here's the reason. First because of the crow...

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英语作文写信给一个网友简单一点就行!1.关键句式 引入句:I'm writing to tell you the discussion we've had about… I'm very glad to write to you about… 过渡句(第一段与第二段):There have been different op...
