

02月17日 编辑 39baobao.com

[急求写一篇及其简单的英语作文 10句话就行了!]Lucky Me Yesterday,a lucky thing happened to me. While I was walking on the street,I saw a purse . I walked towards it,and then I picked it up. I saw an ID card...+阅读

1.关键句式 引入句:I'm writing to tell you the discussion we've had about… I'm very glad to write to you about… 过渡句(第一段与第二段):There have been different opinions. Opinions are divided on the question. It is certain that we do have different opinions on this matter. 不同观点引入:……同学认为(赞同/反对) …students think… students hold(the belief)that …students have argued that …students are against the idea …students don't accept the idea …students feel strongly about the idea …students are in favor of 2.中心词汇 陪读:accompany sb.studying at school 养成依赖的习惯:form/get into /fall into the habit of dependence 自控能力:The ability of controlling ourselves 对……有所影响:have a…effect(influence)on,affect 腾出时间spare more time 督促urge 鼓励……做……encourage sb.to do sth. 独立independently/by oneself/on ones own/alone...


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