

02月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[我的小宠物四年级作文450字]【导读】:只剩下最后一只蚂蚱了,这只蚂蚱看起来有头脑,会游泳,蹦到了乌龟的背上,但这也难不住它,它猛地一翻身,蚂蚱被压了个半死,乌龟一口就给吃了。 【正文】: 大家一定都有自己的小...+阅读

My pets

I have got two beautiful dogs.One is Ben ben.One is Yi lang.Ben ben is my favourite pet.It is very big.It has a long body,four short legs,a long tail,and a big head.Yi lang is my mother's favourite pet.It is very small and cool.It is only about 25 centimetes long.It has two big eyes.




我的小宠物三年级作文500字【导读】:把它放在地上,他一看在地上可是欢了,他一下子开始爬起来,一下子钻到了沙发底下,让我弄了半天才把他弄出来,哎~又得给他洗洗了。 【正文】: 大家一定都有自己的小宠物吧!当...


一年级英语作文我的宠物狗I he a lovely dog. He has white fur and four small paws. I love his ears best, because his ears are round and big. He always lies near my lap to sleep. He is fr...

英语作文关于宠物狗I have a pet dog, and his name is nothing. This year he was five years old, and has a beautiful black hair, is five years ago dad brought back from her aunt's h...


我的理想作文开宠物店‍《心愿是开个宠物店》作文600字 理想是人生导航的灯塔,我们一个人都应该有自己的理想,例如军人、设计师、医生、翻译官…… 我的理想虽然没有医生那样能扶危济困,虽然没有军...

关于养宠物的英语作文Last month,my mother bought a lovely dog as my birthday gift ,I love it very much.I call him Tommy,he is black .He can eat a lot of food,such as biscuits,milk,a...

有关养宠物的英语作文I have a pet dog. She is 2 years old. She is a clever and beautiful dog. Its name is Huahua. Its colour is white. She has two big eyes, just like mine. She is v...

英语作文我的宠物篇一:我的宠物猫My Pet Cat When I was a child, I raised a pet, named Lucky. Actually he is a cat. His fur is soft with yellow and white color. Lucky is a good boy...
