

02月10日 编辑 39baobao.com

[谁谁谁帮我写一篇作文世界反法西斯胜利70周年 700到800字]世界反法西斯胜利70周年 继承发扬抗日战争民族精神,必须牢牢抓住发展的主题。人类社会发展的历史证明,落后就要挨打,综合国力?强就要受辱。一个民族要自强、自立,就要具备强大的...+阅读


We are here not to adapt to the world but to change this world.

With the fast development of technology, the world has been changed a lot by us. This is the society not only for us to be adapt to live in, but for us to change.

We can do a lot of things to make it a better world. Not a world full of wars and pollution, but a world with peace and fresh air. All these, need us to work harder to change, to make it a better world for you, for me, and for the entire human race.

To live longer in this planet, we need to change a lot of bad habits. We need to protect our nature, and prevent the nautre from being damaged. We need to change to live in harmony with the environment and animals.

A good change may bring us to a better future , longer and more wonderful future.



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