

02月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[华中科技大学英语专业的考研复试参考书有哪些啊?有谁知道啊]你好,没有参考书目,具体要求如下 1. 复试方式及复试内容: 心理测试: 外国语言学及应用语言学:笔试(听力+语言学基础)、面试、二外听说 德语教育: 笔试(听力+ 德语写作)、 面试、英语听...+阅读


How to Make an Origami Jumping Frog

With nothing more than a piece of paper, you can construct a frog.

Throughout these instructions, the dotted lines are where you will fold on the next step. Click on any picture to enlarge it.

1.Start with a sheet of paper. You can use ordinary computer paper, colored paper, or origami paper.

2.Fold one corner diagonally down to the opposite edge, so it will make an X shape out of the creases when you unfold it.

3.Open it back up and fold the paper on the other diagonal

4.Trim any extra paper outside of the square you just made, as shown. Skip this step if you are already using square (origami) paper. True origami only uses folding to create shapes--that means no cutting or tearing.

5.Open the square back up and fold it backwards, across the intersection of the two diagonal lines.

6.Open the paper again and push in the sides.

7.Form a triangle

8.Fold the outside corner up to the top point

9.Fold the other corner up.

10.Fold the new corner in, towards the center line.

11.Fold the other corner in towards the center

12.Now fold the top corners back out, until the edge is even with the edge underneath.

13.Repeat folding the top corners, as shown above, except on the other side

14.Turn the paper over

15.Fold the outer corners towards you, into the center.

16.Fold the outer corners back out, so that they're even with the outside edges. You're almost done.

17.Fold the frog in half.

18.Turn the frog over so the legs are facing away from you. Now fold those in half so it looks like the picture.



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