[科技作文英文的]First,John von Neumann proposed that the program reside in the computer's memory where it could be changed at will.W.Presper Eckert,Jr.,of the University of Pen...+阅读
1.Prepare a large clean glass or ceramic bowl which is Appropriate for the microwave oven. 2.Put corn grain into the bowl ,reaching half of the capacity. 3. Put a small piece of butter into the bowl,30g or so,and churn up for a moment.if you want it to be bioled sweet,then choose butter with suger,contrarily,choose butter with salt. 4. As soon as the butter and corn are sufficient mixed,put the bowl into the microwave oven with a plastic lid on it.Now ,power on. 5.You should wait from the beginnig of crackle until it is running out, and then power off .The total process may take 2 minutes or so,mainly up to the voice.
5、从你开始听到爆裂声开始,一直到爆裂声开始转小,渐渐快没了,这是关火。总过程可能需要2分钟左右,主要听声音而定。 制作过程的中文是我在网上搜的,上面的英文是我翻译的,水平有限。
100财富值易语言怎么制作26个英文字母中自动任意6个字母组合的全.版本 2 .程序集 窗口程序集1 .子程序 __启动窗口_创建完毕 .子程序 _按钮1_被单击 .局部变量 最大值, 整数型 .局部变量 当前值, 整数型 .局部变量 起始值, 整数型 起始值 = 0...
制作爆米花的过程英文。拜托大家莫非LZ上初二。2113。。 How to Make Popcorn "如何制作爆米花" Before making,check you have all the ingredients. 制作前,检查确保你有所有的原料5261。 First, put the po...