

03月24日 编辑 39baobao.com

[比较经典的英语句子想被爱的时候有人来爱你]1、One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listeningto strange music. Then one day, you will find that the things you tryhard to fet are a...+阅读


When I was a boy growing up we had several gardens around our old house. The largest one of all was used just for growing potatoes. I can still remember those potato planting days. The whole family helped.


After my Dad had tilled the soil, my Mom, brothers, and I went to work. It was my job to drop the little seed potatoes in the rows while my Mom dropped handfuls of fertilizer beside them. My brothers then covered them all with the freshly turned earth.


For months afterward I would glance over at the garden while I played outside and wonder what was going on underneath the ground. When the harvest time came I was amazed at the huge size of the potatoes my Dad pulled out of the soil.


Those little seedlings had grown into bushels and bushels of sweet sustenance.


They would be turned into meal after meal of baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, fried potatoes, and my personal forite: potatoes slowed cooked in spaghetti sauce.


They would keep the entire family well fed throughout the whole year. It truly was a miracle to behold.


Thinking back on those special times makes me wonder how many other seeds I he planted in this life that he grown unseen in the hearts and minds of others.


How many times has God used some little thing that I said or did to grow something beautiful? How many times has Heen used these little seedlings to provide anothers soul with sweet sustenance?


I hope then that you always tend the garden around you with care. I hope that you plant only goodness, peace, and passion in the lives of everyone you meet. I hope that everyday you help miracles to grow.



Three years ago, my ex-husband threw me out of our home with nothing but a duffle bag with a change of clothes and a plane ticket to my home state.


His reasoning was because I was mentally ill and he was tired of trying to fix me.


I was homeless for a year before I found a home in a group home for the mentally ill.


I spent a year and a half there before I moved into a supervised apartment.


In November 2018, I moved into my own apartment, enrolled in GED school, adopted a pet, and I got my first job doing volunteer work (I am disabled) today.


Sorry for bragging . I just cant believe how far Ive e.



He you had those time in your life when you ask for a promotion, or negotiating its terms?


A lot of people dont understand why they keep failing in this.


And a senior HR just shared some insights:


Its because these people dont really he the value to earn themselves a promotion.


Or it never occured to them that they need to find a way to show their value.


Its true that some panies he their own policies and rules when it es to promotionbut there is still a tendency for panies to see what they can get away with.


This is why in a lot of instances, its on you, the employee, to make the case for why you deserve a title change and raise.


To an extent, the preparation for promotion conversations are similar to negotiating job offers.


But a big piece of that preparation should be building your influence.


You he to be working with everyone you work with in your team and your department, but also managing up and finding out what people need.


Finally, employees should see the negotiation process as transactional, and relational.


Its not about presenting your demands and not stopping until the other party concedes.


Its about making sure that both parties find a solution that meets both their demands.



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