A long, very long time ago,
rabbits had long, very long tails.
One day, a long-tailed rabbit
came outside to play.
" Oh! There is a carrot patch across the river.
I sure wish I could he some! Hmm.
How can I get across the river? "
At that moment, an alligator lifted his head
out of the water. When the rabbit saw the alligator, she had an idea.
" Oh, Mr. Alligator! Why are you playing by yourself? "
“Don’t you he any friends? "
" I he friends. "
" Really?
“Then why don’t you bring your friend here? "
" Ok. Wait here a moment. "
The innocent alligator went and brought back his friend.
" Oh, only one? You only he one friend! "
" No, I he lots of friends. "
The alligator was upset at the rabbits teasing.
So this time he brought back lots of his friends.
" Let's count just how many friends you he. Please stand in one line!
The rabbit pretended to count the alligators as she
stepped on their backs to cross the river.
" One, two, three, four, five, six..! Heehee! Foolish alligators!
I just needed to cross the river to eat those carrots!
Thanks for helping me! "
When the alligator heard this he was very angry.
So he opened his mouth wide and bit off the tail of the rabbit.
" Ouch! Ouch! Help me! "
At that the rabbits tail was cut short.
As a punishment for teasing the poor innocent alligator, the rabbits
tail never grew after that.
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