

05月30日 编辑 39baobao.com

[给一些经典的广告词]做一个男人无法一手把握的女人! 做女人挺好! 让一亿人先聪明起来(巨人脑黄金) 聪明何必绝顶,慧根长留 --生发精某音响公司广告———“一呼四应!” 某饺子铺广告———“无所不包!...+阅读








歌名: “Hush Little Baby”



Hush little baby, don't you cry

Mama's gonna sing you a lullaby

And to help give mom a lift

Dada's gonna take the late night shift

And although it isn't fair

Your sister's gonna have to learn to share

And before he's at your door

Your uncle swears he won't smoke anymore

And 'cause stories will help you sleep

Soon your grandma will learn to read

And to keep the harm away

The doctor's gonna work hard night and day

And when in your line of sight

Enemies will choose to end the fight

And though he's got no time to spare

The stranger's gonna help you climb each stair

And in case you're feeling down

Today the businessman will be your clown

Drivers will slow down for you

Pets are gonna be extra careful, too

Guards will try to make you laugh

Workers will pause on your behalf

And though it seems it's almost done

This lullaby for you has just begun

Hush, hush now you know it's true

There is nothing we wouldn't do


I Need Your Love - Calvin Harris I need your love,I need your time,When everything's wrong,You make it right,I feel so high,I come alive,I need to be free with you tonight,I need your love I need your love I take a deep breath Every time I pass your door,I know you're there But I can't see you anymore,And that's the reason You're in the dark,I've been a stranger ever Since we fell apart,I feel so helpless here,Watch my eyes are filled with fear,Tell me do you feel the same,Hold me in your arms again,,I need your love,I need your time,When everything's wrong,You make it right,I feel so high,I go alive,I need to be free with you tonight,I need your love I need your love Now I'm dreaming,Will ever find you now?,I walk in circles That I'll never figure out,What I mean to you,Do I belong?,I try to fight this But I know I'm not that strong,And I feel so helpless here,Watch my eyes are filled with fear,Tell me do you feel the same,Hold me in your arms again,,I need your love,I need your time,When everything's wrong,You make it right,I feel so high,I go alive,I need to be free with you tonight,I need your love I need your love,,All the years,All the times,You were never been to blame,And now my eyes are perfect,And now my heart is closing,And all the tears,All the lies,All the waste,I've been trying to make it change,And now my eyes are perfect,,I need your love,I need your time,When everything's wrong,You make it right,I feel so high,I come alive,I need to be free,,


Another You (Radio Edit) - Armin van Buuren&Mr. Probz

I'm not saying I'm not sorry

Just looking for another you

It's not getting any better, better,

But what I can I do?

When there's something wrong,

When we keep holding on to the best days?

I'm not saying I'm not sorry

Just looking for another you!

Looking for another you!

Just looking for another you! another you!

Just looking for another you!

Just looking for another you!

Just looking for another you!

looking for another you!

I don't know any other way to show

It's not getting any better

I think we both know there's something wrong,

But we keep holding on to the best days

I'm not saying I'm not sorry

Just looking for another you

I'm just looking for another

I'm just looking for another you

I'm just looking for another

I'm just looking for another you.

I'm just looking for another

I'm just looking for another you

I'm just looking for another you

I'm just looking for another you

looking for another

I'm just looking for another you


经典搞笑广告词某音响公司广告———“一呼四应!” 某饺子铺广告———“无所不包!” 某石灰厂广告———“白手起家!” 某当铺广告———“当之无愧!” 某帽子公司广告———“以帽取人!” 某...

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qiu经典的广告词广告里很常用这种成语,比如 ——————————————————-- 电脑广告:码到成功(马到成功),芯满意足(心满意足) 服装店广告:衣衣不舍(依依不舍),衣帽取人(以貌取人) 眼镜广告:睛益...

求经典广告词就是电视上经常看见的都知道的不要搞笑的。。“大家好,才是真的好”——好迪 “你值得拥有”——欧莱雅 “不走寻常路”——美特斯邦威 “永不止步”——安踏 “一切皆有可能”——李宁 “洗洗更健康”——妇炎洁 “激情...

外国搞笑广告词经典Good to the last drop.滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡) 2. Obey your thirst. 服从你的渴望。(雪碧) 3. The new digital era. 数码新时代。(索尼影碟机) 4. We lead. Others c...


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