

02月17日 编辑 39baobao.com

[急需中英文对照的小故事不要太长]One day,a little monkey is playing by the well. 一天,有只小猴子在井边玩儿。 He looks in the well and shouts : 它往井里一瞧,高喊道: “Oh!My god!The moon has fallen...+阅读

the friend confused ` strange have to ask: " ` finished ` after they walk on ` they came to a piece of bog ` that people don't care even look into the swamp ` inside another person ` spell at all his life to save him ` that last man saved ` he is very happy very happy ` then took a stone ` in a top write a way;t know the reason why ` they had a quarrel ` one hit another personal a slap in the face ` that person very sad sad ` so he in sand wrote: "today my friend saved my life"? ` the man smiled ` replied:“今天我朋友打了我一巴掌” `写完后`他们继续行走`他们来到一块沼泽地里`那个人不小心睬到沼泽里面`另一个人不惜一切`拼了命地去救他`最后那个人得救了`他很高兴很高兴`于是拿了一块石头`在上面写道:“今天我朋友救了我一命”朋友一头雾水`奇怪得问:“为什么我打了你一巴掌`你把它写在沙里`而我救了你一命你却把它刻在石头上呢?`那个人笑了笑`回答道:“当别人对我有误会`或者有什么对我不好的事`就应该把它记在最容易遗忘`最容易消失不见的地方`由风负责把它抹掉`而当朋友有恩与我`或者对我很好的话`就应该把它记在最不容易消失的地方`尽管风吹雨打也忘不了 There have been two people walk in the desert ` they are very good friends ` in transit don'why do I hit you slap ` you write it down in sand ` and I saved your life but you engrave it in the stone: "today my friend hit me a slap in the face"曾经有两个人在沙漠中行走`他们是很要好的朋友`在途中不知道什么原因`他们吵了一架`其中一个人打了另个人一巴掌`那个人很伤心很伤心`于是他就在沙里写道:"


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