

12月21日 编辑 39baobao.com

[适合初一的英语美文带翻译]1. 英文: My Favorite Sport Sports help everyone to keep healthy, happy and efficient. So I pay special attention to games, especially table tennis. Table tennis...+阅读

Lost time is never found again. This is something which I learned very clearly last semester. I spent so much time fooling around that my grades began to suffer. I finally realized that something had to be done. It was time for a change. Now I have a new plan for using my time wisely. I have set my alarm clock ahead half an hour. This will give me a head start on the day. I have also decided to keep a log of what I do and when I do it. Looking back on what I've done will give me some ideas on how to reorganize my time. 时光一去不复返,这是我上学期清楚学到的教训。我浪费很多时间四处游荡,以致于我的成绩开始退步。最后我终于了解到我必须有所作为;该是痛改前非的时候了。 现在我有一个明智运用时间的新方法。我已将闹钟早拨半小时,这将使我这一天的作息提前开始。我也决定将我所做的一切及做这些事的时间记录下来。回顾我所做的事情会启发我如何重新安排我的时间。


英语美文带翻译 3篇谢谢1)The Old Cat An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a...

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20句名人名言英语Knowledge is power. (知识就是力量。) Seeing is believing. 百闻不如一见。 Look before you leap.三思而后行。 Time flies.光阴似箭。 Kill two birds with one stone. 一...

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