

02月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[两分钟英语小故事急要简单]giving the seeding a hand long long ago, in ancient china, there lived a farmer .he was worried about his seeding growing too slowly . one day ,he went to the f...+阅读

Napoleon in a battle with the enemy, the tenacity of the resistance encountered, the team suffered heavy losses, the situation is very dangerous. Napoleon also inadvertently fall into the quagmire of time, have been made all over the mud, mood. Can look at this time in spite of Napoleon, his belief that there is only one that can also play in any event win this battle. Only say he roared, "Charge!" His soldiers to see him looking fit funny. Not laugh, and for a time, the soldiers passionate anger, battling the head, and finally achieved the final victory of the fighting. • Revelation Critical in any predicament, we should remain optimistic about a positive attitude. In particular, as a business leader, your self-confidence, you can be infected with numerous people who come into contact with. Have the attitude of optimistic self-confidence have a direct impact on the success or failure of a transaction or not. 拿破仑在一次与敌军作战时,遭遇顽强的抵抗,队伍损失惨重,形势非常危险。

拿破仑也因一时不慎掉入泥潭中,被弄得满身泥巴,狼狈不堪。 可此时的拿破仑浑然不顾,内心只有一个信念,那就是无论如何可也要打嬴这战斗。只听他大吼一声,“冲啊!” 他手下的士兵见到他那副滑稽模样.不由哈哈大笑起来,一时间,战士们群情激昂、奋勇当先,终于取得了战斗的最后胜利。 •启示 无论在任何危急的困境中,都要保持乐观积极的心态。



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