[人教课标版第九册语文第一单元课课练习题]读--悟--写 三级联动 理念下人教版小学语文第九册第一单元1《窃读记》练习题一、读拼音,写词语chǎo c i jǐn l n jī j p( ) ( ) ( ) ( )chōng z wū y n zhī chēn...+阅读
Glacier National park in Montana shares boundaries with Canada, an American Indian reservation, and a national forest. Along the North Fork of the Flathead River, the park also borders about 17,000 acres of private lands that are currently used for ranching, timber, and agriculture. This land is an important part of the habitat and migratory routes for several endangered species that frequent the park. These private lands are essentially the only ones ailable for development in the region.
With encouragement from the park, local landowners initiated a land-use planning effort to guide the future of the North Fork. The park is a partner in an interlocal agreement that calls for resource-managing agencies to work together and with the more than 400 private owners in the area. A draft plan has been prepared, with the objective of maintaining traditional economic uses but limiting new development that would damage park resources. Voluntary action by landowners, in cooperation with the park and the county, is helping to restrict small-lot subdivisions, maintain wildlife corridors, and minimize any harmful impact on the environment.
The willingness of local landowners to participate in this protection effort may he been stimulated by concerns that Congress would impose a legislative solution. Nevertheless, many local residents want to retain the existing character of the area. Meetings between park officials and landowners he led to a dramatically improved understanding of all concerns.
1. The passage mainly discusses
(A) the endangered species in Glacier National Park
(B) the protection of lands surrounding Glacier National Park
(C) conservation laws imposed by the state of Montana
(D) cons
ervation laws imposed by Congress
2. Why are the private lands surrounding Glacier National Park so important?
(A) They function as a hunting preserve.
(B) They are restricted to government use.
(C) They are heily populated.
(D) They contain natural habitats of threatened species.
3. The word "ones" in line 6 refers to
(A) private lands
(B) endangered species
(C) migratory routes
(D) ranching, timber, agriculture
4. The word "initiated" in line 7 is closest in meaning to
(A) started
(B) requested
(C) purchased
(D) considered
5. The relationship between park officials and neighboring landowners may best be
described as
(A) indifferent
(B) intimate
(C) cooperative
(D) disappointing
6. It can be inferred from the passage that a major interest of the officials of Glacier
National Park is to
(A) limit land development around the park
(B) establish a new Park in Montana
(C) influence national legislation
(D) settle border disputes with Canada
7. In lines 15-16, the author implies that landowners might be responding to environmental
concerns for which of the following reasons?
(A) They wish to stimulate economic growth.
(B) They wish to improve their public image.
(C) They he a tradition of cooperating with the government.
(D) They fear federal legislation.
8. The word "stimulated" in line 16 is closest in meaning to
(A) motivated
(B) anticipated
(C) substituted
(D) undermined
9. The word "retain" in line 17 is closest in meaning to
(A) preserve
(B) possess
(C) enjoy
(D) improve
10. Where in the passage does the author mention the purpose of the plan developed
by local landowners and park officials?
(A) Lines 1-2
(B) Lines 4-6
(C) Lines 10-14
(D) Lines 15-17
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