[英汉《营销学》常用词汇b2]brand 品牌 branding strategy 品牌化战略 branding 品牌化 brand's equity 品牌的价值 break-even analysis 盈亏平衡分析 break-even volume 盈亏平衡产量 breath of prod...+阅读
机壳辐射 cabi radiation
机载电台 aircraft station
基本传输损耗(无线线路的) basic transmission loss (of a radio link)
基本接入 basic access
基本业务(GSM的) basic service (of GSM)
基本越区切换规程 basic handover procedure
基本高可用频率 basic maximun usable frequency
基波(分量) fundamental (ponent)
基波系数 fundamental factor
基带 baseband
基地(海岸)(航空)设备 base (coast)(aeronautical) equipment
基地电台 base station (BS)
基站控制器 base station controller (BSC)
基站识别码 base station identity code (BSIC)
基站收发信台 base transceiver station (BTS)
基站系统 base station system (BSS)
基站区 base station area
基准条件 reference condition
基准阻抗 reference impedance
奇偶校验码 parity check code
奇偶校验位 parity bit
激活 activation
吉尔伯特码 Gilbert code
级联码 concatenated code
即时业务 demand service
急充电 boost charge
急剧衰落 flutter fading
集成电路 integrated circuit
集成电路卡 integrated circuit card
集群电话互连 trunked telephone connect
集群电话互连器 trunked telephone connector
集群基站 trunked base station
集群效率 trunking efficiency
集群移动电话系统 trunked mobile munication system
集体呼叫 group call
集体接收(在卫星广播业务中) munity reception
集中控制方式 centralized control
集中式帧定位信号 bunched frame alignment signal
计费信息 advice of charge
计算机病毒 puter virus
计算机辅助测试 puter-aided test (CAT)
计算机辅助工程 puter-aided engineering (CAE)
计算机辅助管理 puter-aided management (CAM)
计算机辅助教学 puter-aided instruction (CAU)
计算机辅助设计 puter-sided design (CAD)
寄生反馈 parasitic feedback
寄生调制 parasitic modulation
寄生振荡 parasitic oscillation
加密 encipherment
加密保护 encipherment protection
加密方案 encipherment scheme
加权(互同步)网 hierarchic (mutually synchrohous) work
假负载 dummy load
假设参考电路 hypothetical reference circuit
尖峰信号 spike
间接分配 indirect distribution
间接调频 indirect frequency modulation
监测音峰频偏 supervisory audio tone peak deviation
监测音频单音 supervisory audio tone (SAT)
兼容话 patible telephone
兼容性 patibility
检波器的充电时间常数 electrical charge time constant of a detector
检波器的电流灵敏度 detector current sensitivity
检波器的电压灵敏度 detector voltage sensitivity
检波器的放电时间常数 electrical discharge time constant (of a detector)
检波失真 detection distortion
检波效率 detection efficiency
检错 error detection
检错反馈系统 error-detecting and feedback system
检错码 error detecting code
检错能力 error-detecting capacity
减载波单边带发射 reduced carrier SSB emission
减载波发射 reduced carrier emission
减振器 damper, antivibrator
剪音 clipping
建筑物穿透损耗 building peration loss
鉴定测试 characterization test
鉴权中心 authentication center (AUC)
鉴频器 frequency discriminator
鉴相鉴频器 phase detection discriminator
鉴相灵敏度 discriminator sensitivity
鉴相器 phase discriminator
鉴相器输出误差电压 discriminator output error voltage
键控 keying
键盘 keyboard
降额 derating
降级 degradation
降灵 desensitization
降落物散射传播 precipitation scatter propagation
交变温热试验 alternate humid heat test
cross interference
交叉失真 cross-over distortion
交换机无线接口 exchange radio interface
交换局 exchange
交换连接 switched connection
交换区 switched area
交流声 hum
交替代号反转码 alternate mark inversion code (AMI code)
交替信号反转破坏点(双极性破坏点) alternate mark inversion violation (bipolar violation)
交调 cross-modulation
角度分集 angle diversity
角度调制 angle modulation
角反射天线 corner reflector antenna
校验位 check bit
校验字符 check character
校准 calibration
接地 grounding
接地电感线圈 earth inductor
接口标准 interface standard
接口集成电路 interface integrated circuit
接口结构 interface structure
接入能力 access capability
接入争用 access contention
接入信道 access channel
接收机 receiver
接收机保护装置 receiver protector
接收机的过载系数 overload factor of receiver
接收机动态范围 receiver dynamic range
接收机分路器 receiver multi-coupler
接收机门限电平 receiver threshold-signal level
接收机前端 front-end of receiver
接收至发射的回波耗损 receive to transmit echo loss (RTEL)
接收至发射的稳定耗损 receive to transmit stability loss (RTSL)
接收响度评定值 receive loudness rating (RLR)
接线信号 connect signal
接续(连接) connection
结点 node
解码 decoding
解码器 decoder
解码器保护时间 decoder required protection time
解码器报讯时间 decode alarm time
解码器的选择性 decoder selectivity
解码器工作电平范围 decoder operate level range
解码器恢复时间 decoder recovery time
解码器启动时间 decoder attack time
解码器假码虚报 decoder false code falsifying
解码器噪声虚报 decoder noise falsifying
解密 decipher
解扰器 descrambler
解调 demodulation
解调载频控制 demodulation carrier frequency control
紧急呼叫 emergency call
紧急指位无线信标台 emergency position-indicating rediobeacon station
近场区 near field region
禁止对国际的呼叫 barring of outing international calls (BOIC)
禁止所有对外呼叫 barring of all outgoing calls (BAOC)
禁止所有呼入呼叫 barring of all ining calls (BAIC)
紧密度 precision
静电放电 electrostatic discharge (ESD)
静噪 squelch
静噪开启电平和闭锁电平 squelch opening level and closing level
静噪开启时延和闭锁时延 squelch opening delay and closing delay
静噪失谐门限 squelch detuning threshold
静噪调谐 mute tuning
静噪阻塞门限 squelch blocking threshold
静止图象电视电话 still picture video-television
静止卫星 stationary satellite
镜频抑制比 image frequency rejection ratio
镜频抑制混频器 image frequency rejection mixer
纠错码 error correcting code
纠错能力 error correcting capability
纠突发错码 burst error correction codes
纠突发错和随机错码 burst and random error correction codes
救生台 safeguard station
局域网 local area work (LAN)
句子可懂度 sentence intelligibility
具有可适应比特分配的自适应预测编码 APC with adaptive bit allocation (APC-AB)
卷积码 convolutional code
绝对射频信道号 absolute RF channel number (ARFCN)
绝对相移键控 absolute phase shift keying (APSK)
绝对增益 absolute gain
均步的 mesochronous
均方根值(有效值) rms value (effective value)
均方根-波纹系数 r.m.s.-ripple factor
均方根检波器 root-mean square detector
均衡网络 equalization work
均匀编码 uniform encoding
均匀量化 uniform quantizing
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